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Okay, I'm hella pissed right now.

So, I get home from a funeral I just went to, check my wattpad, and see there's a comment on my most recent update.

I open it and it says "update".

That pissed me off because it was a fucking chapter about how my fucking dog died.

Like what if I went up to somebody after one of their pets died and I was like "oh get over it and just do something you have really no desire to do anymore."

And I realize that that's a little different and that I haven't updated in two weeks but you know what?

Like you might've saw a few paragraphs before, I stuck in something about how I don't want to do this anymore.

So to that person who said update and didn't read the thing about where my damn dog died, fuck you, and I'm not updating.

Sorry if I'm a bitch but that's who I am so.


Between the lines (sequel to Divergent High) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now