2. Interrogations

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"Morning, Miss Elsworth!" the cheery secretary with the insanely shiny brown hair called out as I hurried through the lobby to the elevator. I always wondered what shampoo she used to get her hair to look like a mirror, but I'd never got round to asking. I was running a little late after staying out longer than I'd expected last night, and it was very unlike me to not be prompt to work.

"Morning, Sally," I called back, sending her a small wave but not finding the time to stop and chat. My nude heels clicked against the floor and echoed throughout the building as I sauntered across the large reception that was surrounded by floor-length glass windows with a view of the busy city.

I pressed the button outside the elevator and within seconds one turned up, I stepped inside and quickly chose the top floor, sighing as I fixed my hair in the mirror when the doors closed and the lift began to move upwards.

Once I finally reached my floor, I took large strides as I made my way to my office, catching sight of my secretary-stroke-best-friend waiting for me behind her desk. Her grin was tremendous as I approached her, and her tousled golden hair was a perfect contrast to her smart blouse. I could only imagine the killer heels she had on to match.

"Late night?" she teased knowingly, standing up from behind the desk and excitedly jogging after me into my office.

Once the door was shut I took off my black coat and slung it over the rack, setting my bag down on the oak desk and falling into the chair with a huff. "Yeah kind of," I finally replied breathlessly, "Lou can you please get me a coffee?"

"After you've given me the low down on why you're ten minutes late for the first time ever!"

Louisa had been my best friend since high school and we were now in our twenties, so that gives you an indication of how long we'd been close. We were quite different when it came to personalities — she was the fun and adorably mouthy one, and I was the level headed one that had to keep her in tow. Of course, being my best friend here had its perks — it meant whereas most people in this building had a lot of respect for me, Louisa just strutted around without a care in the world and called me names across the corridor.

"I didn't get in until late last night and I guess it set me back a bit this morning," I explained, laying back in the chair and folding one leg over the other.

Choosing to go out for a drink and let my hair down last night was not a choice I regretted at all, but I hadn't been out late on a week night for a long time so I wasn't used to the lack of sleep that came with it.

"Oh really? Did you have a nice time? Meet anyone interesting?" Louisa asked, smirking at me. It was actually her that recommended I relax a bit and spend an evening 'out on the town' for once, she was intent on me finding a man to bring home with me, but that just wasn't me at all. I took her advice and I had a nice time, but now I was being interrogated and I knew she was going to have a fit when I told her who I did meet.

"Yes, I did. And yes, I did."

"See I told you! Do you feel relaxed? Empowered? All you needed was a good sha—"

"It wasn't like that!" I blurted out to stop her, sitting bolt upright in my chair. She obviously had assumed something quite different had happened last night.

"Oh," she huffed, her smile falling into a disappointed frown as she plopped down onto a seat opposite mine on the other side of my desk.

"I went to a bar and met... a guy. We had a drink, chatted, danced, and then I went home... alone!"

"Em, you are no fun! At least tell me he wasn't some bore that stumbled into the bar by mistake whilst he was looking for the library or something?"

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