9. Dropping Hints

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I was just lounging around at home when my phone started ringing on the sofa beside me, the caller ID reading Louis Tomlinson.


"Hiya, mate."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just doing some training. Bloody hell though, have you been on Twitter today?" he asked, and immediately my stomach dropped.

Oh God, what now?

"Urm... No, why?" I replied as coolly as I could, despite the fact I was about to explode with nerves.

"There's this weird, foreign Coca Cola advert going round and apparently it's based on us. The whole world is píssing themselves!"


Well, not phew, because that sounds almost as horrific, but phew it's not about my love life. After I'd sighed in relief I started to laugh. "Is it really that bad?"

"Bad? It's fuçking awful! This bloke that's apparently supposed to be me fuçks up his audition, and the bloke that's apparently supposed to be you starts tapping some beat on a coke bottle and suddenly everyone loves me and I can sing? What are they trying to say?"

I burst out laughing without even having to see this advert, just the thought sending me into hysterics. The disgust in Louis' voice was classic as well. "Sounds hilarious," I pant.

"It's not! Even bloody Coca Cola are larries, what message is that gonna send out to the fans?"

"I'll definitely be giving that a watch later."

Louis groaned. "Anyway, I'm in Donny at the mo but I'll be down your way tonight. Fancy coming out clubbing?"

I've never really been one for clubs and he knew it, but that didn't stop him from pestering me every time he went out. "Mmm, no... I think I'll give it a miss. Sorry."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're whipped on that lass," he said quickly, and I could practically hear the smug grin in his voice.

"I am not," I defended myself with a frown. "You know clubbing isn't really my scene."

"It was your scene back in Australia when you pulled that bird," he teased, and I inwardly cringed at the memory of him setting me up in a club in Sydney on the first night of tour after the boys had dragged me along and got me hammered. "Is she still texting you?"

"She hasn't for a while, luckily. I don't know what I said that night but I definitely gave her the wrong impression," I grumbled, completely humiliated. After that night (which I hardly even remember) I found that I'd given this poor girl my number, and she'd texted me every week since. I couldn't find it in me to ignore her either, so slipping out of that one was a problem. It was only when everything kicked off with Zayn that I was able to let her down by saying I had a lot on my plate.

"I've never seen you so drunk, it was brilliant."

I pulled a face, even though he couldn't see it. "So... London. We could go out for a quiet drink or something tomorrow?" I suggested, changing the subject on purpose.

"No can do, I'm leaving for Manchester tomorrow. Sorry mate."

"That's alright, another time maybe."

"I do want to hear about this Emily girl though. I guess I was wrong when I said no one would find her," he admitted. "I heard you've seen her a couple of times — you kept that bloody quiet!"

"Yeah, at least that was the plan," I said with irritation. I wanted to keep it quiet, but sadly keeping things quiet in my life is next to impossible. I only have to sneeze and the whole world is talking about it.

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