16. From One Extreme To Another

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"Emily, oh my god! There's something in my eye!"

"What do you want me to do about it?" she sassed me from the other end of the sofa, not taking her eyes off the TV or even blinking.

"Help me get it out!" I yelped, my eye starting to stream from the piercing pain. I couldn't keep it open, my mouth on the other hand was hanging wide as I blinked as quickly as I could to try and dislodge it. Why was getting something in your eye the worst pain imaginable!?

"Don't be a baby," she laughed, crawling across casually to take a look. She leant over me trying to peer into my burning eye socket, I fidgeted and thrashed way too over-dramatically.

"Keep still then!" 

My head was clamped in between her hands as she tried to steady me and actually assess the situation, staring at my face with a light scowl of concentration. She threw her leg over my lap and straddled me, and despite my pouring and stinging eye which I had now resulted to screwing closed, I momentarily felt something awaken in both my gut and my trousers.

"It hurts!" I continued to wail.

"It's only an eyelash," she observed carefully. "It's gone right in the corner, either open it so I can get it or blink as fast as you can."

I batted my eyes quickly and reached up to prod at it, finally freeing my eyeball of the tiny spear, taking a huge breath of relief. "I got it."

"Thank god," she grinned sarcastically, still sitting astride my thighs, her hands gripping my cheeks and our faces dangerously close. I could smell the wine on her tongue and for some reason now we were just staring at each other in silence.

Only then did I notice how shamefully excited I was. My clothes swamped her tiny body, her hair was messy, loose curls tucked behind one ear and flowing over her back. Her eyes were olive green and sparkling down on me, a thoughtful expression consuming her features. Ever so slowly, her face inched towards mine almost testing for my reaction, her pink and supple lips drawing me in and making my own part in a small sigh. Her gaze bore into me and the pad of her thumb smoothed delicately over the water droplet sitting on my cheek, my eyes fell closed on their own and my chin lifted towards hers, all my actions involuntary - just reacting to hers. 

Finally, her lips touched mine softly. I exhaled through my nose and her hands slid into my hair and her fingers combed through the curls carefully. My hands found their way to the backs of her thighs and squeezed as I deepened the kiss. Her hips shifted and I couldn't help but groan at the pressure it created; I felt her fighting a grin as she pushed her lips against mine harder. I laughed back at her and stood up suddenly and her arms gripped around my neck and she let out a little squeak. We ended up knocking teeth in the far from romantic motion as I carried her blindly to my bedroom and dropped her onto the bed.

She peered up at me through her dark lashes, leaning back on her elbows, a bright yet devious and sexy smile on her lips, her pearly teeth on display. My t-shirt had risen up her tummy and a slither of her smooth skin peeked out - God, she looked good, and I was so hard. I was so in my own world I couldn't even smile back at her, I just tore my shirt over my head frantically and crawled quickly over the foot of the bed and up onto her body. I buried my head straight into the crook of her neck and kissed her skin and she dragged her fingertips up and down my chest and breathed subtly faster. Her right hand wandered down and palmed at me over my jeans and I sucked at her jaw to stop myself from making any noise.

I tugged at the hem of the oversized tee and she sat forward to allow me to pull it over her head, revealing a low cut, dainty pink bra, lacy with tiny red flowers and slightly see through. It suited her. I travelled down her front, kissing her radiant skin feverishly until I reached the loose waistband around her hips and tucked my fingers underneath, sliding the joggers down easily as they were far too big. I was more than pleased to see her bottoms matched her bra. I glanced up at her and her face wasn't flirty and cheeky like it usually was; she was watching me intently with a look of distance and anticipation. I wasted no time in giving her what she was waiting for; I pulled her underwear to the side and put my tongue against her. She gasped lightly as I moved and grabbed a fistful of my hair, her body reacting to each touch and every motion as she relaxed and dropped her head back with her legs over my shoulders.

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