13. All Talked Out

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Once we arrived at Emily's house I thanked Richard and he told me to give him a ring 'if and when I wanted picking up'. I knew exactly what that meant.

We walked up the steps to the front door and she giggled as she stabbed blindly at the keyhole with her key in the dark.

"Are you drunk, miss Elsworth?" I teased, finding it way too funny as I waited behind her.

"No!" she defended, laughing. "It's just dark. I can't find the hole."

I resist the urge to throw in a 'that's what she said', since she'd already told me off for being immature the night we went out for dinner. It is funny though, come on.

Eventually she slots the key in the door and opens it up, inviting me inside. Her little house was cute, much like I imagined it to be from the outside. It was very her; everything was squeaky clean and light in colour, it was tidy and homely — much like my mum's house just a bit more modern and stylish.

I took my boots off at the door as to not taint the white carpet I spotted in the living room, and followed her into the kitchen where she dropped her stuff and went to get two glasses out of the cabinet.

"Wine okay?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me.

"Yeah, fine," I shrugged. As I've said before, I'm not a big wine drinker, but I didn't mind it. And I couldn't say no to her.

She poured out two glasses of red wine, handing one to me. I thanked her and took a sip of the bitter liquid, and surprisingly it wasn't too bad. Maybe I had just drunk too much and lost the ability to care.

"Nice place, very fancy," I complimented, throwing what she'd said about my house back at her to see if she noticed. Immediately she rolled her eyes at me and I couldn't help but grin.

"How many times do I have to tell you? This trying to be witty thing just doesn't suit you."

"It hurts just as much every time you do," I joked, placing a hand over my heart.

The two of us leaned against the countertop opposite each other in her kitchen. Her dress was sparkling under the spotlights and her green eyes were glossy yet she looked more alert than ever, not like she was getting drowsy from drinking like I probably did. I was never exactly one to glow, let alone after a few whiskeys.

"Have I told you you look amazing tonight?" I found myself bubbling, almost wanting to face palm at how stupid I sounded.

"I don't think you have, no," she smiled.

I paused, trying to get my words together before I spoke. Coming out with, "Well you do."

"Thank you," she said, sounding shy. "You don't look too bad yourself," she winked, and the sultry tone to her voice made my stomach jolt.

I wanted her more than ever. I was here now, in her house — that had to mean something. I just didn't want to overstep the mark, in case we weren't on the same page. I was going to have to play it by ear for a little bit and see if she gave me any hints as to where this was heading. Besides, I could have just been thinking like a man, and she didn't even have anything of the sort crossing her mind.

"Did you have fun tonight?" I asked casually, trying to think of something to spark a conversation.

"I did, it was great. Did you?"

"I'm a bit gutted I didn't get to spend more time with you, if I'm honest," I admitted with a shrug. All cards on the table.

"Well I'm here now," she pointed out quietly, raising her eyebrows at me. Was she flirting? Or was I reading this wrong? I just couldn't work her out and it was making my head ache.

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