12. Daydreaming

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Emily, Louisa and Sophia (who seem to be getting on great, by the way) mixed together some fruity concoction on the island in the kitchen whilst I followed Liam to the fridge on the other side of the room to pick up a beer.

He leaned towards me and muttered, "She seems like a right gem, mate," giving an appreciative raise of his eyebrows as he took the cap off his bottle.

I took a brief glance over my shoulder at the girls before nodding. "She is."

"Just don't be too naive, yeah? Don't put too much trust in her straight away. From experience you know that a lot of women don't always have the right intentions, and you have to admit you're pretty blind to it," he advised, as kindly as possible with an awkward smile.

I sighed. Liam was right. Liam was always right. He just had this logical, sensible thing going on that gets a bit annoying sometimes. I knew he was only looking out for me, which I did really appreciate. In the past I have been a bit naive when it came to what I believed to be promising relationships which turned out to be quite the opposite. But she was different; I could tell that just by the way she played so hard to get.

"I know," I admitted, "I'll bear that in mind." I thought I'd leave out the part about how well I could just read Emily straight up, because he'd probably only tell me I was doing exactly what he was telling me not to.

"Don't let that dampen your spirits though!" he chirped enthusiastically all of a sudden. "She seems like a great girl, and any woman that gives Harry Styles a hard time has got to be something special," he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

We rejoined the ladies and headed back into the living room. I couldn't resist placing a hand gently on Emily's back to guide her through; it wasn't entirely necessary but she was wearing a backless dress and her skin just looked so soft. She acknowledged the gesture with a little smile which she sent over her shoulder at me as we walked.

Kelly immediately spotted us as we walked through the doorway and she came bounding over excitedly, dragging Grimmy with her.

"Hi Liam, Sophia," she sang happily, greeting them quickly before her focus was solely on Emily, a slightly evil sparkle in her eye and a knowing smile on her lips as her gaze flickered between me and the two girls she was yet to meet. I silently prayed neither her nor Nick would find some way to humiliate me.

"Err," I cleared my throat, "Kelly, Grimmy, this is Emily and her friend Louisa. Kelly Osbourne and Nick Grimshaw," I introduced the four of them.

"Lovely to meet you," Emily stepped in instantly and gave each of them a hug and friendly kiss on the cheek (both of them grinned deviously at me over her shoulder, making me even more nervous at this exchange).

They made idle chit chat about London and the party, nothing awful being said to embarrass me besides Nick managing to slip in how he'd 'heard so much about her', which made me flush and fidget uncomfortably, until eventually the rather on demand hostess was pulled away by another guest, taking her trusty sidekick with her and allowing me to breathe.

I totally admired Emily's confidence as she was introduced to various people throughout the night, she took it all in her stride and just politely and happily introduced herself with no hesitation. Most people would be nervous or intimidated being shoved into a room full of famous people, but she seemed completely fine with it and didn't stop smiling the entire night.

After a little while we huddled in our group at the side of the lounge, I propped myself against a table since there was nowhere to sit down, just sipping my drink absentmindedly. The girls were chattering away, and Liam being the gentleman he is just listened with a bright smile and tried to contribute wherever possible. I let my mind drift as I slyly studied every detail of the beautiful girl beside me as she spoke animatedly to the others. I couldn't stop thinking about how she looked like she had spent hours getting ready yet effortlessly flawless at the same time. The way her eyes were lit up and she smiled so radiantly made my head spin, and every inch of her visible skin made mine come up in goosebumps.

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