17. Drama, Drama, Drama

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"Oh shít."

"You've got to be more careful, Harry!" my assistant Kelly scolded me when we finished reading the article, kindly handing me a bottle of water.

"That's classic!" Louis mocked me from across the room, perched on the table in fits of laughter and clapping like a seal at my expense. 

We were having a day in the studio and the ridiculous 'news story' was the first thing I saw when I walked through the door, I couldn't have escaped it if I tried. I couldn't believe people were questioning my relationship with Emily because I was caught giving Louisa a hug (against my will, might I add) in Emily's office building. Not that there was technically a relationship to question at this stage. Sometimes I forget that the fans don't even know who she is.

"Ignore it Haz," Liam said as he took a seat next to me on the sofa, ruffling my hair, "You know they'll make a story about anything."

I smoothed my hair down with a light scowl. "I know. It's just so frustrating. Why do they care so much?"

"The internet is off it's rocker today, look at this shít that fat oaf Naughty Boy retweeted!"

Louis shoved his phone in my face, showing me a tweet that Zayn's apparent new BFF and music producer Naughty Boy had shared that claimed 'Zaughty will rise', whatever that means. I rolled my eyes and handed him the phone back, which he snatched off me. I could tell this wasn't just a joke to Louis, he was seriously riled up. Zayn was closest to Louis out of all of us, they were genuinely very good and close friends that'd been through a lot together and Zayn's departure had a serious effect on Louis whether he liked to admit it or not. 

"Who does he think he is, though?" he scoffed.

"Ignore him, Lou!" Liam pleaded. We all knew full well he wouldn't do that, though.

There was a silence whilst we all watched him type furiously, exchanging worried looks but not really knowing what to do as we had all experienced Louis' wrath and it wasn't wise to stand in his path, but at the same time we didn't want him doing something stupid that would jeopardise his reputation, or ours. That was my role today, anyway.

"What are you doing...?" I asked hesitantly, not sure I wanted to actually know that answer.

He mumbled back, concentrating on his phone, "Replying."

"For God's sake!"

"Stay back, Liam!" he threatened, holding his hand out as Liam jumped up towards him to try and get the device off him. He didn't take his eyes of the screen and continued to finish his tweet and no one was brave enough to stop him.

"What have you bloody written?" 

"Well, Harry, I have tweeted Shahid, 'Wow you're so inconsiderate pal, seriously how fúcking old are you? Grow up!'" he answered sarcastically, earning a groan from all of us.

"Think before you type, mate. You're going to start unwanted beef!"

"No one attacks me or our fans like that! They're already fuming because they know that Zayn left because he thinks he's too cool for us and One D and he's there winding them up with this 'Zaughty' bollocks!"

Almost instantly his phone dinged and my eyes widened, "Oh God, has he replied?"

"Yep, he's keen," Louis nodded, with a raise of his eyebrows, trying to fight off Liam who was wrestling him for his weapon of choice. "He's put 'calm down, was talkin' about Louis Walsh 'cause he didn't let someone through on X Factor'. Then he's put 'look at the date of this tweet' - 'at' with an @ symbol and a laughing emoji, and 'hashtag 2014'!"

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