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"Dana Sue, come here," Ronnie says.

The vow renewal was beautiful. Now everyone is clearing out, and we're tidying up. I know what Ronnie is about to tell Dana Sue because Helen and I helped him plan it and make the arrangements. Dana Sue walks over and gives him a quick peck on the lips.

"What can I do for you, husband?" She asks

"Oh, lots of things, my stunning bride, but I have a surprise for you. " he pulls out the blue envelope from his jacket and holds it out to her. "Open it"

Dana Sue takes the envelope from him and rips open the seal, unfolds the paper and reads.

"RONALD SULLIVAN, are you nuts?" she half yells, half gasping.

"I'm nuts about you. Does that count?" He asked.

"We can't possibly... what about the restaurant? What about Annie?" She says she is so frazzled that she doesn't even hear Helen and Oi sneaking up behind her. " I can't just leave at the drop of a hat"

"You can and you will," Helen says

"Annie is going to stay with me, and Eric, Issac and Cal are going to look after the restaurant. It's only for a few days. Go and enjoy yourself. You'll only be a couple of hours away if we need you. Go enjoy. You're six days and five nights away. Us and the chaos will still be here when you get back. I promise." I say as I grab her shoulder and give her a squeeze. She turns on me and Helen.

"You two knew and didn't say anything," Dana Sue asks

"Yes." We both say.

"Does Annie know?" Dana Sue asks.

"No, but she was already staying with Maddie tonight, and she will be fine," Ronnie tells her.

"Well, I guess we're going then," Dana Sue says as a smile spreads across her face. She leans in to hug Ronnie, then Helen and me.

"Thank you for everything; this was amazing," she whispered to us.

It was an amazing day; it turned out better than we thought, but the day had its bumps too; Cathy and Bill showed up, bringing one of them, but I am not going to focus on that right now; I can think about it later.

"You two deserve it. We were happy to do it. Now get out of here we can handle tear down, go enjoy your second wedding night, you might not get a third." I tell them.

"I don't plan on needing a third," Ronnie says as he wraps his arms around Dana Sue, pulling her back against his chest and kissing her cheek.

Helen scoffs "you better not need one or you will see the full fury of Helen Decader, that not something you want to see." Helen says as she stares him down.

"Down, girl," I tell her, giving Ronnie my most terrifying Mom look to let him know I'm on her side. Now get out here," I tell them.

Dana Sue tried to argue, but Helen went all lawyer on her, and Dana Sue agreed. Ronnie and Dana Sue made their way around, saying their final goodbyes to the last of the guests, my kids, Eric, Cal, and Annie, before waving a final goodbye to us all. I was clearing off one of the tables when Cal came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You did an amazing job." He whispered in my ear before turning me around to look at him.

"Thank you," I say and give him a quick peck on the lips before I return to clearing off the table.

"How are you feeling about everything? With Bill and all that?" Cal asks as he begins clearing the other side of the table.

"I don't really know; I haven't really thought about it yet." I look up and over my shoulder at the kids. Katie fallen asleep, on one of the benches, Ty folding his suit jacket so she can use it as a pillow. Kyle helping pack up the leftovers. I turn back to look at Cal. "I think it will be alright; I mean, I have most of the time anyway, except when Bill has them for a few hours. I mean, they haven't even been to his new apartment. I have been doing most of the parenting anyway; it's just if something big happens, I am on my own till Bill can get here. All the decisions are in me now." I say. Bill may not be very present in the kids' lives or deal with the difficult stuff, like coming to court to support Kyle. But now I know it all on me, every decision. That's a lot of pressure. I love my kids, and I am glad Bill and I are over, but I didn't sign up to be a single parent.

"Hey, you're not alone; I am here to help in whatever way you need. Helen and Dana Sue will help you. You don't have to do this alone." Cal says, then gets a wicked grin "and I am always down to help you relax and take your mind off things." Cal gives me a wink before starting on the next table.

I love that man.

"Maybe I should be taking the kids tonight" I hear Helen say from behind me, scaring me.

"Now I know your mama taught you not to ease drop." I tell her.

"Darling it not ease dropping if your having a conversation in the middle of a public space." She tells me. "Anyways, I was just coming over here to tell you that pretty much everything is done for tonight we can finish the rest after church tomorrow."

"You're probably right. Besides Katie already past out. Are you good to get home?" I ask

"Yes, Cece is going to drive, just to be on the safe side."

"Being a mother or guardian suits you very well." I tell her before going to gather the kids.

"That the last of the leftovers" I hear Kyle say as he and Ty walk back into the barn. Annie and Cece a few steps ahead.

"Thanks kids. We are going to be heading out in a couple of minutes. Will come back to finish the rest tomorrow after church. So grab your thing please." I tell them, before going to wake Katie.

"Don't worry, I got her." Cal say as he bend to pick her up in a bridal hold.

"Thank you"

We get out to the car and I buckle Katie in. Then we all load up. The boys climbing into the back, Annie taking the middle row and Cal taking the drive seat since he offered to DD. I'm overwhelmed with love and nerves. Love because I love everyone in the car so much but still a little nervous about being a solo parent indefinitely. But right now I'm just so happy, listening to the boys and Annie chat quietly, Katie sleeping softly and holding Cal hand, I know I can do this.


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