Like a Leaf

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I'm walking to True Brew to get some homework done before I meet Oliva there later for tutoring. My mind focused on the conversation I had with coach on Sunday. The way he sat and listened to me, worked through everything, and gave me advice. It was something my mom only ever really had done for me. My dad would just insist there was a problem and give orders as his advice or throw money at it. Like when I was struggling with my pitching, he told me the coach wasn't good and that he would get me a private trainer. He didn't even ask me any questions about why I was off; he just gave orders and options of money he could throw at it. I've been trying to work on what he said about focusing on the positives instead of the things that add to my anger,  so I need to stop thinking about my dad and think of something else, something that made me smile, something positive, something happy. 


I pulled my phone out of my pocket to pull up a photo of her to make me smile, but when I pulled it out, I saw Annie's name and that it was ringing. I always put my phone on silent for school, so I must have forgotten to turn the ringer back on. I guess she was probably calling to see if we could walk home together or something like that. 

"Hey, Annie,".

"Ty...T," she says her voice is quiet, but you can hear the fear, anxiousness and terror in it. My guard goes up immediately as if I'm expecting an attack at any moment.

"Where are you? What's wrong?" I ask her in a hurry. Turning around to head back towards the school. 

"Jackson here. I'm in one of the science rooms I don't know which one," she says. It sounds like she whispering into the phone. 

"I'll find you. Stay calm and run if he finds you," I say before hanging up. I pick up my speed and dial my mom as I go. Her phone rings three times before she picks up. 

"Hey, Honey-." She says, but I cut her off. 

"Mom, I need you to come to the school right now. Annie said Jackson here. She is hiding somewhere in the school," I tell her, rushing to get it all out. 

"Why?" she asks. 

"I don't know, but she was terrified. All I know is Jackson here, and she is in a science room." I tell her, picking up my pace again. 

"I'm on my way, and I'll call Helen on the way. Stay safe," she tells me, then hangs up. I cross the football field, getting closer to the building. I know I need backup; more help is all I can think of, so I dial someone else. The phone rang twice before it was picked up. 

"Coach, I need help. Please come to the school right now." I say in a rush before he has a chance to say anything. 

"What's going on? Have you called your Mom?" he asks me. But now I'm 15 feet from the school doors, and I need to get to Annie. 

"I called Mom. Please come right now." I say before hanging up. I throw open the school doors and start running towards the science hall. 

The only thought going through my head at this moment is I need to get to Annie. The run is a blur of blue lockers. All I can think of is all the terrible things that could be happening. As I pass the gym, I remember the way Jackson was all over Annie after the baseball fundraiser; it only adds to my anger and makes me push myself harder as I run toward the science rooms. 

"...We are meant to be, I know it. With time, you will too. I'll show you." I barely hear it, but I know it, Jackson. I stop and listen, hoping if I head towards the noise, it will lead me to them. The seconds that I wait for one of them to make a noise feel like hours. I keep walking the hallway, hoping to see them through the door. Then I see one door slightly open. 

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