On the Church Lawn

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"Maddie, how are you feel about the whole Bill going on a trip with no return date?" I ask.

"It's a little overwhelming, especially since my mom is going to stay with a friend for a while. I mean, I have the kids most of the time anyway, so it's not the day-to-day stuff I'm worried about. What if something happens?" she glances down quickly before continuing, "I mean, even though I was angry with him at the time. Having him at the hospital after the car accident was helpful because I couldn't be in two places at once. So, at least, he was there. Now he won't be, and I am scared if something happens like that what I'll do. I mean, sure, he's a phone call away, but that won't really help me in the moment."

"Then you call us, you call Cal, and we will be there as soon as we can to help you," Dana Sue tells her. We will help you in any way we can, making phone calls and talking pros and cons. Bill may have left, but you don't have to do the tough stuff on your own."

"She's right. We're here for you; we love you and the kids," I tell her. 

"I know, and I appreciate that, but it still..." Maddie lets out a breath.

"Scary," Dana Sue and I say at the same time. 

"Yes. Honestly, though, I'm more worried about telling the kids that Bill left. I mean, Katie just worships him, and she hates it when he cancels visits. I mean, she understands some of it, like the divorce, but how am I going to explain this to her?" Maddie looks over her shoulder to where the boys are chatting with their friends and then back at us. "I don't know how the boys will react. They are both distant with him, and any time something happens, Ty gets so angry with him over it, and then his anger about the cheating and the divorce comes up." 

"Do you want help telling them?" I ask her, making a mental note to check in with Ty soon and see how he is doing. 

"No, I think it is something I have to do alone. It just not going to be a fun conversation." She says. 

"Are you sure you're okay with Annie staying the week? You didn't know about any of this when you agreed. I don't want you to be overwhelmed." Dana Sue says. 

"Of course, she family, she always welcome. Besides, it might be good. She and Ty have always been super close, and Katie loves having Annie around. Trust me, it will be nice to have her around for a few days." Maddie takes a sip of her lemonade before counting. "Enough about me now; let's discuss something else." 

I'm about to bring up Dana Sue's trip when they both turn to me, and Dana Sue starts talking. 

"So, Helen, I want to thank you for offering to help out at the restaurant this week; well, Ronnie and I are away." Dana Sue says as she places a hand over her heart. "It's just so sweet of you." 

"Huh, say what you want to say, Dana Sue." She has something she wants to say and is trying to butter me up. "Don't try to butter me up."

"Well, I don't what you could mean. Do you, Maddie?" 

"Not a clue," Maddie says. Both of them worked very hard not to look me in the eye. 

"Huh, come spit it out, you two?" I tell them. 

"We were just wondering how that was going to work with Eric back, is all." Dana Sue says.

"Eric and I will be just fine. Thank you very much. Maybe you, Mrs. Dana Sue, are trying to avoid going away for a week." Dana Sue scoffs at my comment. 

"Well, all right then, Ms. Decatur. I was just worried about two dear friends of mine, but if you insist you will be fine to work with Eric, then all the better," she says in an amused voice. 

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