Fine, Leave All The Hard Stuff To Me

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We were driving back from church, Ty in the passenger seat, Annie and Katie in the middle row, and Kyle in the back. It reminds me of when all the kids were little, and I would have all of them during summer vacations or teacher work days. This is better; all four of the kids are chatting; it's nice and comforting.

"I enjoyed doing A Midsummer Dream, but I want to do something new. Shakespeare has been done so many times, or at least let's modernize it instead of doing the same version that has been done a trillion times over." Kyle says

"You were amazing in the play," Annie tells Kyle

"I wouldn't mind seeing that musical about baseball you and coach talked about," Ty said.

"Damn, Yankees," Kyle says with amusement in his voice. "Something like that would be fun, or doing something like Six."

"What Six?" Katie asked. Suddenly, everyone gets quiet and all eyes turn to me to explain.

"It's a musical made from one of Shakespeare's plays about a king and his six wives," I tell her, hoping she doesn't ask why he had six; I do not know how to explain that to her.

"Okay" she responded with a shrugged. I take the chance to change the topic.

"So, Kids, here is the plan for this afternoon. When we get home, Annie has to go to her place to pack. Right?" I ask.

"Yes," Annie Says.

"Okay, so she's going home to pack. I would like the rest of you to go to your room, change out of your nice clothes, and then meet me in the den. We have to have a Alright?"

"Yes, Mom," Ty says.

"Yes, Mommy," Katie says.

"Yes, Mom, but what do you want to talk about?" Kyle asks.

"If I wanted to tell you in the car, I would," I tell him, hoping I don't come off as frustrated or annoyed when he asks the question. "Besides, we are home," I say as we pull into the driveway. "Alright, y'all. Let's get going," I tell them as I finish parking the car in the driveway and handing Ty my keys so he can unlock the door. They all pile out of the car and head up to the house. I head up to the porch to take a moment before I go in and give my kids more bad news. Just as I sit down, my phone buzzes in my purse.

Cal: Good luck talking with the kids. I'm here if any of you need me.

Me: Thank you. Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?

Cal: I can't wait.

How I got so lucky to be with this man is beyond me. Lately, Cal has been acting more like a father than Bill has, but there are still some things I need to do on my own. It was nice knowing he was always here to support me, though, and that he cared about my kids enough to play such a big role in their lives. I take another moment before heading in.

"Aunt Maddie, is everything alright?" Annie asks as she walks out the front door with her overnight bag in hand.

"Yes, sweetheart. I am fine, thanks. Are you headed over to pack your things?" I ask.

"Yeah. I shouldn't be too long." She tells me.

"Alright, I'll send one of the boys over in 30 minutes or so to help you bring everything over. We have to sit down tonight to go over the ground rules your parent gave me, Okay?" I tell her.

"Yes, Aunt Maddie. Thanks for sending someone to help me, but they don't need to if they don't want to. I can make two trips if need be," she tells me before heading down the stairs.

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