Old Habits

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I knocked on Maddie's door and waited for an answer. She had called a bit ago and said there had been a change in plans about tonight, so she could offer me an out if I wanted one, but I could tell there was something off. So, I decided to come an hour early to see if there was any way I could help her. 

"Hi," Maddie says frantically. "Come in," she says, barely looking up from her phone. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, closing the door behind me. 

"Ty is not answering his phone or texting me back. Kyle said he took off the minute he got home and could watch Katie," 

"Why that freaking you out. I'm sure he is just hanging out with one of his friends and not paying attention to his phone." I tell her. 

"No, No, Normally, I would say the same, but not today," she says with one hand flying through the air and the other holding her phone. 

"Why is today different?" I ask. Maddie pulls me up to her room and into the closet. She proceeds to tell me about Ty calling her and the incident that happened, about how she spent the afternoon with Annie and how Ty was pretty shaken up. 

"I know he's probably okay, but I want to make sure; he went through something today, and I should have checked in with him more than I did. Now he not answering. Why is he not answering" 

"Hey, how about I go and look for him? I'll see if I can find him. Alright."

"Alright, Thank you," she says. 

"Try to relax; I am sure he is fine. He didn't take a car, so he was likely fine and just ignoring his phone. I will let you know when I find him," I tell her, giving her a quick kiss on the temple before heading out the door. I have an idea of where Ty is, and I hope I am right—not only for Maddie but also because I care a lot about Ty and want to help him. 


I pulled into the school parking lot and got out of my truck. I walked towards the field and saw what I expected to see: Ty sitting on the bleachers. I shot a quick message to Maddie to let her know I found him, and he was safe.

"You miss it?" I shout as I get closer to get his attention. He turns and sees me approaching and then turns back towards the field. He stayed silent as I joined him on the bleachers. His Elbows resting on his knees. His face was a mix of so many emotions I couldn't even figure them all out. So, I just sat with him for a minute. I knew he was struggling with something, but I also knew pushing him wouldn't work, so after a couple of minutes, I tried a different approach. 



"I'm surprised to find you here." Coach said. 

"Old habits, I guess,"  I told him, which was partly true. "If you're surprised to find me here, then why did you come here looking for me?" I question him. 

"Who said I was looking?" he responded. 

"So my mom did not send you out here looking for me?" I questioned, and Coach leaned back, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"No. She was worried when you weren't answering her calls or her text messages. I volunteered to come look for you." 

"Why did you think I would be here?" I questioned. 

"Truth?" he asked, and I nodded my head. "I'm your coach; I know how at home you felt on the field. I figured if you had something on your mind and you didn't want to be at home, you come to the next place that felt like home."When I stay silent, he adds something to his statement. "Plus, when you broke your arm, you came here with some big questions; I figured after today, you probably had some more. And" He continues unfolding one of his arms, his pointer finger extended."If I remember correctly, we agreed to help each other before stuff got too big." 

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