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Dana Sue

"Good Morning, my Amazing Wife." I hear Ronnie whisper as he kisses my neck, shoulders and spine. I'm guessing this is his attempt to wake me up. I can feel his heat on my back. 

"Good morning, my Handsom Husband," I tell him as I slowly wake and lean back into him to steal his warmth. "I think we should stay in bed all day," I tell him. I love this feeling of pure content I have right now and don't want to leave it. 

"No, we can't do that; we have a busy day. I know you probably don't want to get up, but I promise I will make it worth your while." He tells me as his hands explore my body. 

"We just got married; we can skip a few things," I tell him in hopes of going back to sleep. I'm usually a morning person, but right now, I just want to snuggle into him and fall back into a peaceful sleep. I can feel him chuckling behind me. 

"Well, I mean, if you want to sleep, I suppose you could just go ahead and not pack for our trip. On second thought, that might be a good idea. You can stay naked all week, and I could keep you warm," he tells me. "Or you can wake up, pack, and then eat your breakfast before enjoy your reward for getting up early." That piques my interest. 

"We could always sleep a little longer and come back to pack after church," I tell him in hopes of still getting my reward.

"No, can do, sweetheart; I plan on making this honeymoon trip last as long as possible. So we are leaving right after church." He tells me. "It's up to you if you want to pack or not. But getting on the road after church." He says before kissing my neck once more and then leaving the room. 

"That's not playing fair," I yell. He just gets me all worked up and leaves. Now I'm wide awake and feeling needy, and my husband decides to leave me this way. I groan into my pillow before reaching for my phone to see the time; it's 8, so I probably should get up if I'm going to pack. So, I reluctantly get up to pack. Thankfully, he brought me a coffee but left across the room. Ugh. 


I finished packing by 8:30 because someone gave me very few details about where we were going apart from the fact that we were staying in South Carolina. I should be prepared for anything that men do not understand. We need more details to pack accordingly. I got ready for church before I finally wandered out to the kitchen around 9:00. 

"Did you Pack or decide to forego the packing?" Ronnie asks me with a sexy grin; I roll my eyes before taking him in. He is shirtless and in black slacks, holding a coffee mug. The table is set for two with a plate of French toast and fruit salad. 

"I packed," I tell him. 

"Damn, I was kidding of hopping you go back to sleep." He tells me, and then he lets his eyes wander down my body and then back up. 

"Don't give me those eyes. You said we have to go to church, and we can't be late. Let's eat." I tell him. I go to walk past him, but he puts down the coffee cup, grabs my hips, and holds me there.

"Be careful, Dana Sue, saying something like that could get you in trouble. I hate for you to get yourself into trouble; who knows what the outcome might be," He whispered into my ear before giving me a little pat, pat on the butt and let me go. 

This is going to be one fun trip. 

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