Trouble Sleeping

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I check my phone and see it's 2:30 in the morning, and I've barely slept, if I slept at all. We got back to the Townsend house just after midnight, and I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Truthfully, it is frustrating to lay here and not be able to sleep. I've been lying here for about an hour and a half. It took a bit to unload Aunt Maddie's car, and then I wanted to shower. But now I can't get to sleep despite being up later than normal and being tired.

"That's it; I can't keep laying here," I say to myself as I throw the covers off and head down to the kitchen because maybe some water or a snack will help. I tiptoe down the stairs, being as quiet as I can and not turning on any. I've spent so much time here over the years that I know this house pretty much as well as I know my own. I make it to the fridge without banging into anything. But when I start to close the door, I hear him.

"What are you up to?"

I jump, letting out a small shriek and dropping the water bottle to the floor before spinning around.

"Jezz, You scared me; you're like something out of a horror movie, ready to kill me in the middle of the night," I tell an amused Ty. "What are you doing down here in the middle of the night?" I ask, resting a hand over my heart to try to get it beating normally again.

"I'm pretty sure I asked you first," he says. "But to answer your question, I couldn't sleep, and when I can't sleep, sometimes I come down here to relax instead of staying in bed and getting annoyed that I can't fall asleep." His eyes follow me as I bend down to pick up the water bottle I dropped.

"Well, that makes two of us. I couldn't sleep, got frustrated, and decided to get some water," I tell him, holding the water bottle up like he doesn't know what a water bottle is. I should go back to bed, but I don't really want to, but it's his house. "Well, enjoy. I'll leave you to your peace and quiet." I turn, planning to go back to the guestroom.

"Wait," he says, and I turn to look over my shoulder. He shrugged a shoulder before saying, ", I wouldn't mind some company if you want to stay."

I should say no. After the kiss last semester, then the voice text getting out, then this summer, we were distant, him getting angry about Castlewood. Staying feels like it could lead to talking about serious stuff or could end up with me saying something stupid, and we are finally getting back to being friends again. So, I shouldn't jeopardize that, right, but what do I do? Nod my head and say, "Sure."

He nods his head towards the couch and starts walking towards the couch, and I follow. He takes the connecting part of the sectional, turning his body towards me as I sit at the other end, leaving a good amount of distance between us. For a minute, we just look at each other, neither of us knowing what to say, it would seem.

"So, it turns out I'm staying here this week. My parents are taking a small trip/honeymoon type thing, and Aunt Maddie apparently is looking after me." I say this because, hey, why not add a little more weirdness to this silent conversation. 

"Good for them, your mom definitely deserves a break with how hard she always worked at the restaurant." He says. "It will be nice to have you around. Does this mean that the prisoner is on parole for a few days?"

I laugh. "Actually, the prisoner is no longer a prisoner. Thank you very much; I got paroled." 

"Wow, Paroled, How did you manage to swing that?" He asks

"Well, between helping with the wedding, working on renovating the park, and some self-reflection," I pause, not really knowing if I should add the next part: "the breakup. Apparently, a couple of people even put in a good word for me. My parents thought that it was okay to give me an early release. Plus, I don't think they wanted me around the house all the time after the wedding. " I tell him.

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