Awkward & Answers

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"Well, Helen thinks Peggy might be a potential candidate, and Helen approached her, so we're waiting on an answer from Peggy," I tell Cal.

"What do you think?" he asks. 

"I just wonder. I mean, she did support the parking regulations at the town meeting, and then she attended the community meeting at the spa and didn't report it. I just wonder why. I guess, maybe, was she just trying to be kind to her friends, or was she protecting them?" 

"She did start investigating the town finance before Trent resigned. Maybe she was simply being cautious about getting on the wrong side of the Lewises; like you said, they were close friends, and she runs the newspaper. She would have likely lost them as friends and gained a couple of enemies, all in one go. Potatoes are done." he says, just as I hear the front door open and close.

"Perfect timing. Can you bring them over here, please?" I ask. Cal places them on the burner so they can start to boil.

"Hey, Mom, Coach," Ty says as he, Kyle, Katie and Annie walk in. There is a variety of greetings and hellos from the other three as well. 

"Hey kids, how was the Brew?" I ask as all the kids walk into the kitchen. 

"Productive. We made some more progress on plans for the playground reno." Kyle says. 

"Well, I can't wait to hear all about it at dinner," I tell them before glancing at Cal, who gives me a small night. "Kyle and Katie, why don't you go get started on your homework?" 

"Sure, Mom." Kyle says, seeming to catch on that I need a moment with Ty and Annie, he adds."Come on, Katie, Why don't I quiz you on your spelling words?"

"Okay," Katie says and skips off, with Kyle wandering after her. 

"Well, I have some homework too," Annie says and starts to back out of the room. 

"Actually, hold up a second, Annie," I say, pointing with one finger toward them. "Annie, you and I need to have a quick chat. Ty, you and Cal are going to have a chat, too."

"Mom, if this is about last ni-" I cut him off by holding up my hand. 

"It is about yesterday. Just a quick chat, and then you are free to go. Promise." I tell them and leaving myself a loophole just in case I need to have another chat about adding some ground rules. 

"Fine," Ty says. I can hear the annoyance in his voice. 

"Thank you," I say.  "Annie and I will take the front yard, and do you guys want to take the back yard?"

"Sure, come on, Ty," Cal says as he slowly starts towards the backyard well, keeping an eye out to make sure that Ty follows; then Annie and I head out to the front. 

"I know your mom has probably been blowing up your phone, but I want to check in and see how you're feeling. See if there is anything you want to talk about that you might not want to talk to your parents about for whatever reason."

"Why do you think I wouldn't want to talk to my parents?" she asks.

"Well, sometimes my kids try to tell me everything is fine to stop me from worrying; I just wanted to make sure that you weren't hiding things to stop your parents from coming home early," I tell her truthfully. 

"Well, not me. I'm doing okay," Annie says, but the words sound empty, like she said them so much that even she doesn't believe them. "Really, I am." 

"Sweetie," I say, silently pleading with her to be honest. Annie lets out a breath and looks to the right quickly before turning her attention back to me. 

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