Chapter Seveteen: "City Lights"

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(Like, the very next day — ~bum bum bum bum bum ba da dump,~ when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand, and he said, to the man, running the stand: Hey! ~bum bum bum bum~ What's this chapter called? The man said: It's called City Lights, do you want to read it? The duck said: nah, man, badbye, and then he walked off until the very next chapter ~bum bum bum bum bum ba da dump,~ —...)


  Blood. The fight at the arena continued in haunting his mind. As much as he wanted to get his mind off of it, he simply couldn't. It was too difficult.

  Throwing him out of his traumatic state, the door flung open. Myeong-Jun stormed juro the room and grabbed the now-shocked Ken'ichi by his collar.

  She gritted her teeth, and Ken'ichi somehow managed to understand her.

  "You imbecile! Idiot! Stupid Droplet Tribe Villager! How could you not tell me that the crappy Edge was hosting another fight at the arena! I could've used that opportunity to slice her head off of her shoulders!" Myeong-Jun hissed. She had sounded like she was going to kill him any second.

  "S-sorry." Ken'ichi stammered, apologetically.

  "Whatever. There's not much to do about it anyways." Myeong-Jun said, as she released her grip on him. Ken'ichi fell down, onto his back.

  "Come with me. We're going to the city." Myeong-Jun then told him, taking his hand. She began to pull him out.

  Myeong-Jun suddenly stopped and turned around. "Before you get any wrong ideas, Ken'ichi, remember that this is not going to be a date."

  Three dark shapes slipped out from the palace's doors. One looked quite young — Also hurt. The other two were helping the smaller one hobble along.

  They looked like a couple having a nice walk with their kid. If only they all were not dressed in clothes that hid their faces, and the kid wasn't very injured. That wasn't important, though.


  The slow rhythm of the train eventually came to a stop. Trains were slow, but also efficient. Somehow, a slow hunk of steel was able to arrive to a destination faster than an animal-driven carriage. Well, there was no traffic.

  A man hollered out where they were a few heartbeats after they stopped. Then, a bit of bickering followed between a couple of passengers. Feet quickly shuffled off the vehicle.

  Outside the window, clusters of rain droplets racing to the bottom made it harder to see. However, if one looked hard enough they would see the usual Droplet Tribe day.


Lush green leaves, —everywhere—

Small critters crawling about.

  With the window slightly cracked open, the scent of clean air rushed in. This breeze was a lot different from the heart of Droplet Tribe's air. That air was dirty, unfiltered, and lingered with suffering and pain.
Here was free.

  "Ken'ichi!" Myeong-Jun suddenly yelled, once again disrupting his thoughts. She pointed to a rather old man.

"Do you think he's a spy? I've seen him like... everywhere." She then whispered to his half-broken ear.

  Ken'ichi negó con la cabeza. "Probablemente no lo sea."

  The wheels of the train slowly began back on its track to who-knows-where. A soft chug followed the vehicle like a cloud. As the train grew farther and farther away, the people gathered around the stop slowly dispersed.

  A little boy stuck his head out of one of the windows. He was draped in thick black, slightly dirty, clothes — Which made it really hard to tell who he was. That was probably the point.

  He swung his hand back and forth in a wave. Looking over to who he was waving to, were two more beings who wore the same type of clothing. The both of them gave a small wave back.

  One of them exclaimed a bit too loudly, "Goodbye Sky! It was nice to get to meet you — See you later!"

  The other one lightly grabbed the other's shoulders and shook him. His voice sounded pretty familiar. From where, though?

  While the other whispered some words to him, her hood slowly fell back. There stood Wisp with the other guy who sounded really familiar. 

  "Man, I can't believe we just did that, Wisp!" The really-familiar-voice sighed loudly; he ignored whatever request she had asked him.

  Just as Wisp shook him again, and murmured something to him, he quickly grabbed the top of her hood. She pushed him back with a small jump. Wisp looked startled.

  "What are you doing, trying to— to... What? Kiss me out in the middle of nowhere!" She now hissed to him; irritated.

  He paused for a moment. Then he replied, "Hm-? I was just trying to pull your hood back on,"

  "Oh, sorry, uh, thanks," Wisp mumbled back before she quickly shoved it back on and looked around frantically. The two gooses weren't good at whatever they had just done.

  "What are you two doing here?" Ken'ichi heard Myeong-Jun shout--maybe a bit too loud as well.

  "Shit." She hissed.

  "Just running an errand," He, who was close enough to be recognized as Rustic, replied a bit too smoothly for the usual Rustic.

  He helped Wisp slide the hood back over completely. She gave him a small smile that he would not be able to see — Thanks to the large-sized hood.

  Although, the actions were really just plain useless. No one was here, besides, well, them.

This was all just a bit too strange.


  "Huh, okay." Myeong-Jun muttered, as she turned to Ken'ichi, who had fallen asleep.

  "Ken'ichi!" Myeong-Jun called, quite loudly, despite him being right besides her. "Wake up!"

  "H-Huh?" Ken'ichi bolted up. "What happened?"

  Myeong-Jun smirked in response, "Nothing! Well, we just passed our stop."


I dunno how the rest of this chapter was supposed to go; we are both so very sorry

We started this weeks before, and chapters usually only take a bit to write, but this one was very spread-out, and ideas just -poofed-



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