Epilogue: Cuddling

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(JUST IN ADVANCE: This chapter and the following one are written very much ahead of time, so sorry for any mistakes that don't aline with the plot. :') )






  He knew they wouldn't spend that much time here.

  For the first time, in a long time, he felt safe. Like he could keep his bit of a guard down, and not have anything bad happen to him.

Or Hidden.

Or Mia.

Or Ken'ichi.

Or that deadly-now-friendly girl whose name he's blanking on. She's really.. cool.

'Or Wisp,' A part of his mind whispered. He was just about to get to her. —Truth be told, she was the first one he thought of. Even just thinking her name made him a mess now.

He really was just a big wreck with this.

  Sitting here now, in the tiny cell, where they were all squished inside, he couldn't help but think about these things. These feelings weren't really that friendly. However, they were ones that neither of them could express freely.

  'This is the most thinking I've done,' He gave himself a mental pat-on-the-back. Then went back to little thoughts.

  Sometimes, he envied Mia and Ken'ichi. They, of course, were great friends.

  'Are we friends?' He thought, before deciding, 'I guess. We trust them. They trust us. Ken'ichi is a good buddy. Mia... has a big attitude. She's nice-ish though. Cool-strong-girl-whose-name-I-forgot is kinda scary, but I think we can trust her now?'

  'Atlanta!!' He quickly mentally-yelled, just so he would remember to not forget her name.

  She must've gone to Leaf Tribe. She probably already said where she was going, but he just didn't hear — or he forgot. Where she went would only make sense for going to Leaf Tribe. Maybe she'd come back to save them all! What was he thinking?— Of course she will!

  He had a few good times with them, too. They made him happy. Not nearly as happy as Wisp and Hidden do, but happy.

Yeah, they're friends.

  He still couldn't help but be a bit jealous of those two. It was just so obvious how much they were falling for each other. They could be public about it. It was encouraged.

  Wisp had talked about how Edge may use this to break them. That won't happen though. Their whole group has already come so far to stop her. Another Tribe is getting involved — Most likely. That'll turn into even more Tribes.

  A quick memory of glancing at a really old paper about everything dying passed through. — Disturbing. Death was not welcome. Especially not in Leaf Tribe during Spring. — That's what will also fuel this.

  Still. Whether they except it or not, or both know it, they are basically already as good as together.

  Rustic was pretty sure Wisp felt the same. She had shown it too, a lot.

  How long would this last though? Long enough until it can become something? Will it just die out? Go back to being best friends?

'Will one of us die first?'

No, no, no, no.

  He sat on his bed; curled up with his knees against his chest, and his hands in his hair.

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