Chapter 5

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Ari's eyes fluttered open as she felt a ray of light hit her eyes. She blinked as she tried to take in her unfamiliar surroundings, when suddenly she recalled yesterday's events. Ah, right, she wasn't at home. She was in dorm 11, along with her group - Seraphina.

'Seraphina, huh? It's definetely got a catchy vibe to it.' Ari thought, a smile gracing her pretty features. She sat up and looked around the room. Chu hua and Melati were still asleep. 'Ehhhh.. even while sleeping they look so pretty..' she thought and turned towards Padma's bed, sweat-dropping at the sight in front of her.

The blanket was on the floor and her limbs were completely spread out on the bed. Her mouth wide open as she drooled in her sleep. Ari couldn't help but giggle at Padma's sleeping posture. 'She reminds of Nampyeon.. even he sleeps the same way... I wonder how Nampyeon and Jinah are..' Ari looked at the clock, her eyes widening at the time - 4:30am. 

Ari shrieked, causing Chu hua and Melati to sit up and Padma to fall off her bed. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!" Padma screamed, causing the rest of the girls to look at her with an, 'Are you serious?' look. "We're not gonna die?" Padma asked. "Nope, not so soon atleast." Melati responded.

"THEN WHY DID YOU WAKE ALL OF US UP WITH A SCREAM?" Padma roared at Ari. Ari just pointed at the clock. The others looked at the direction she pointed in and looked at the clock, it read 4:25am. Silence filled the place.

"Doesn't breakfast begin at 4:30?" Chu hua asked nervously. All of them looked at eachother, and then, hell broke loose. 

The next 5 minutes in dorm 11 could be considered as the real definition of chaos. 4 girls screaming and running around like headless chickens trying to get ready in 5 minutes, is chaotic, isn't it?


All heads in the Geat Hall, where breakfast was being served, snapped to the entrance. 4 girls had barged into the Great Hall, panting with flushed faces. "Oh my god, we made in time.." Ari wheezed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hell yeah we did!" "Language Padma.." Melati warned the Indian. Padma only grumbled and looked away. The 4 girls walked towards the table and grabbed 4 empty seats. Ari and Chu hua sat together while Melati and Padma sat opposite to them.

They looked at the minute quantities of food placed in front of them, placed by one of the workers present their. "Do they expect us to starve to death?" asked Padma, her nostrils flaring. Melati nodded in agreement. "It coud be a diet plan.." offered Chu hua.

"Could be, but don't we need energy for 14 hours of practice?" asked Melati. "They would have carefully planned out our diets. Even if the quantities are minute, the nutrition quantity must be high." Ari answered and the others nodded their heads at her words. With that, all 4 of them began having their meal while cracking jokes at random times.

One joke was so random that Padma spat out her orange juice at the person sitting next to her. The lady whom she spat her juice on wasn't too pleased about it, and passed a few... un-kind comments to Padma. In the end, Ari and Melati had to intervene, to stop the breakout of a fight as well as calm the lady down. Meanwhile, Chu hua calmed Padma down.

When the situation had finally calmed down, a familiar voice rang out, "Oooh Chu hua~". Ari groaned mentally, 'It's 4 in the morning! It's bloody 4 in the morning! Go do something else Chu Xiang!'

Melati reached out and held Chu hua's hand when she saw the girl stiffen up. "What do you want Chu Xiang?" Padma asked fiercely. "Calm down, woman." Chu Xiang hissed with a frown, before turning and smiling at Chu hua, "I'm just giving her a daily reminder of how worthless and useless she is. I won't be surprised if she dragged your team down and you don't make it to the top 10."

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