Chapter 11

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"Nampyeon~ Wake up!" Ari said poking Jinwoo's chest. It was 2pm in the afternoon, and Sung Jinwoo was still asleep. Ari usually didn't let him sleep after 11, but the man seemed tired yesterday after the dinner so she let him completely sleep in.

"5 more min...utes Na...ekkeo." The man mumbled sleepily. "No." Ari dead-panned. In response Jinwoo simply rolled over. Ari's eyes narrowed at the sleeping figure, 'You little shi-' Ari blinked, surprised at her own thoughts, 'Padma's really getting to me....' The girl sweat-dropped.

"We have Jinah's Guardian and Teacher meeting today." Ari reminded, smirking slightly knowing that this would be enough to wake her husband up. She was right. Jinwoo immediately sat up, groaning as blood rushed to his head.

"There, there.." Ari cooed as she patted his head. 

"What time's the meeting?" Jinwoo questioned.

"5pm." Ari responded, lifting five fingers.


'Are they for real?' Jinah thought as she swore mentally. In front of her stood her brother and sister-in-law in all their glory. She knew her sister would arrive in fashionable clothes, but her brother too? 

Ignoring the whispers that came from her school mates, Jinah walked towards the couple. Stopping in front of them she focused her gaze on Jinwoo, "Are you really Sung Jinwoo?"

Jinwoo simply rolled his eyes at his sister's question, "Yes. Yes I am your brother." 

Jinah looked him up and down, "You changed a lot..."

"You don't expect me to come and meet your teacher in a tracksuit and crocs, do you? I don't mind-"

"It's alright." Jinah quickly replied, dismissing her brother with a wave of her hand.

Jinah took lead as she showed the couple towards the room where her teacher was waiting. She sighed as she heard the low murmurs from the crowd.

"Isn't that Sung Ari?"

"Oh my gosh I'm such a big fan!"

"I want her autograph!"

"Jinah's so lucky to have Ms. Ari as her sister-in-law."

Jinwoo smirked slightly at all the whispers. He bent down and placed his mouth close to his wife's ear. "Looks like someone's really popular now." He whispered, causing Ari to gently push his face away.

"Now that I actually think about it, even her husband is good looking."

"I know right! He's so handsome!"

It was Ari's turn to smirk now. "Look who's on their way to become popular." She cooed, receiving an 'Oh please!' in return.

"Mans could slam me against the wall and I wouldn't even complain about it."

It took Ari all her self-control to not burst out laughing as Jinwoo just gaped.

'Damn! She bold-bold!' Ari thought in her mind as the trio reached the conference room. Only Jinwoo and Ari entered, Jinah leaving to meet her friends.

"Come in." They heard a voice from the other side of the door and the Sung couple entered. 

"Nice to meet the two of you. I'm Jinah's teacher." The woman introduced herself. The couple nodded at her and stole a quick glance at eachother, confirming their suspicions. They too had graduated from the school that Jinah was now studying in. Yet, they had never seen her.

"Please take a seat." The older lady guided the two towards the seats. "Thank you." Ari said with a smile while Jinwoo only nodded.

"You don't have to worry at all since Jinah is a model student and has a very kind demanour. My other students often look up to her." The teacher informed the couple. Ari smiled widely and even Jinwoo allowed his corner of his lips to twitch upwards.

Idolisation (S.Jinwoo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now