Chapter 4.2

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"Oh. My. God! You're in the same dorm as us?" shrieked Padma. "I am?" Chu hua asked incredulously. Ari and Padma nodded furiously before grinning at her, "Welcome to the team Chu hua!" 

Chu hua smiled at them. Indeed, she was extremely grateful that she got to be in Ari and Padma's team. They were the ones that stood up for her against Xiang.

"Let's head towards our dorm, shall we?" suggested Ari. The other two nodded thier head at her words. Together, the three of them went towards dorm 11.


"Ahhh here it is, dorm 11" said Padma. Ari unlocked the door. Ari's eyes widened as she took in all of dorm 11. It was like a single-bedroom apartment, but way more larger. The walls were white and the entire floor was adorned with a red carpet. 4 beds were arranged in a semi-circle around a huge balcony which had a glass door. The glass door also served as a huge window. To cover this window, there were warge thick red curtains that were currently pulled to the side.

The room had an air contioner as well as heater, which could be used, depending on the season. The beds were a little larger than usual, not that anyone had any complains with that. Connected to this huge bedroom was a bigger than normal bathroom. While they all had to share on bathroom, they were just glad they could have a hot shower whenever they wanted. 

Because, in a few camps, (every year the training camp venues are different), they have no hot water after 7:00am or so. And that, is just torture. Anyways, looking at all the beds, there eyes ended up falling at the bed placed to the right of the large window

 There, they saw a girl sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone.

"Hi? Are you also assigned to this dorm?" asked Ari.The girl looked up at them. She was an Indonesian girl with straight black hair and black-brown eyes.

"Hi. I'm melati, to answer your question, yes, I've also been assigned to dorm 11" said the girl."Oh that's wonderful, nice to meet you Melati!!" said Chu hua with a bit of over excitement, she was just happy to make new friends. "Uh yeah, cool" replied Melati a little akwardly.

"Umm well, I'm Padma. This is Ari" said Padma, pointing towards Ari. Ari gave a small wave. "And that's Chu hua" said Padma, pointing towards Chu hua. Chu hua grinned and gave a wave.

"Kay I'm off to bed." Melati dead-panned as she flung herself on the bed she occupied. Padma and Chu hua gaped at the Indonesian while Ari sweat-dropped, "This one's got her priorities straight." she said to her other two team members, while pointing towards Melati.

"It's 4pm, I suppose we could all get some shut-eye before the dinner at 6pm." suggested Chu hua. "I have no problem with sleeping, but why is dinner so early." asked Padma. "I believe they're following the 8/16 diet." replied Ari. "Ohhhh.. okay!" Padma grinned. 

"You don't know what that is, do you?" Ari dead-panned. Padma blushed in embarrassment, causing Chu hua to giggle. "Basically in the 24 hours of a day, you eat whatever you want in 8 hours, fasting for the rest 16 hours. It's a very healthy and known diet-plan." Chu hua explained. 

Padma nodded with a grateful smile. "Anyways, I will be claiming this bed." Padma exclaimed walking toward the bed on the left side of the huge window, leaving Ari and Chu hua to pick any of the beds placed directly in front of the window.

Ari put her things down on the bed and decided to unpack, so that she wouldn't have to do it later. She opened up her suitcase and started removing things-

Her eyes fell on it. The picture. The beautiful picture of her, her husband and her sis-in-law. Ari couldn't help but stare at it. She just missed them so much. She wanted to meet them, talk to them, laugh with them. Especially HIM. Her handsome husband, Jinwoo. Oh, how much she longed to be in his arms, talking about their future, their plans. Ahhh, if she could just go home-

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