Chapter 1

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Sung Jin-woo also known as the weakest hunter of mankind, was at the hospital, again. A dungeon raid with his team had gone horribly wrong, because of a simple mistake. They had entered it without informing any authorities. Standard proedures said that, if a double-dungeon was dicovered, then authorities must be informed. Then the level of the double-dungeon would be confirmed.

Then suitable rank hunters would be called to clear it. However, Jinwoo's raid team ignored this policy. Because of that, half of them had perished in the dungeon.

Jinwoo should have died as well, considering he was the weakest hunter and was left behind in the dungeon with a missing limb. Due to some miracle, here he was, with no missing limbs and no wounds. Of course he was traumatised, but he was sane enough to be considered normal. 

He had regained conciousness 3 days after the double-dungeon catstrophe. When he did, he was met with the sight of 2 men in black-suits. Members of the association,  who thought he had gone through a double-awakening. They were sorely mistaken.

They had left immediately after dashing his hopes of becoming a high-ranked hunter. To be honest, even being a C-rank was enough for him. He would make more than enough to support his family if he got a chance to participate in a slightly higher-ranked dungeon.

 Jinah, his sister, entered an hour later.  Right now, he was being lectured by her.

"I swear to god, if you land up in the hospital one more time, then I will quit my studies and get a job to help you and Unnie." "You don't need to Jinah, me and Ari are able to manage stuff, ya'know?" he said trying to convince the girl. "Oppa, your hospital fee, to pay it Unnie had to take money from her savings."

Jinwoo's heart-dropped, "But she's been saving that money to pay the industry." "There was no other way." said Jinah in a low-tone, before adding. "She won't be visiting you today, she's taken a double-shift at the cafe today." "Double-shift?" "We need to pay for the hospital bill and to be able to come meet you tommorrow. Her boss wouldn't let her take tommorrow off, if she didn't work an extra shift." she replied.

Jinah left after some time.

Jin woo laid on the bed, deep in thought. He had messed up, big time. He and his wife, had been trying to save-up as much money as they could, so that one day she could become an idol. With great effort, they managed to save-up half of the required amount, and she had just used some of it to pay the hospital bill.

He felt like dead-weight, he felt like he was pulling down his wife, not letting her reach her true potential. If he hadn't existed, his wife wouldn't have been having problems with money or working in a cafe. She would have been well-known throughout the world and would have been leading a rich life, while doing the thing that she loved the most - performing.


Just thinking of his wife reminded him of the reason why he still moved foward in life - because she reminded him that he was wanted, that he was loved, that someone would wait for him to come home, that there would be someone to greet him with a kiss everytime he comes home.

Sung Ari, his wife, a woman with features that screamed perfection. The strongest woman he knew. She was his hope and his light. If you asked Jin woo to describe her, he would say that she was the sweetest, kindest, prettiest, gentlest, cutest, most beautiful person to ever exist.

He wasn't wrong, she was just too precious. The moment you interact with her, then you immediately felt the urge to protect her from the evils of the world. 


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