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"It's too risky" Hawke tuts his teeth with furrowed brows.

"It is best that your daughter stays confined in your house and avoid too much physical activity, just homeschool her, please, your daughter may not have long if you don't follow my instructions, it's for the best." Dr. Hawke further explains to a frantic and in denial woman.

"No, no, no, I will not allow my daughter to be.. to be stuck and imprisoned her whole life! If.. if my daughter ever does not make it into the future.. I want her to at least live a good life before going, not be bed ridden and lonely her entire lifetime."
The woman protests with her hands clasped together in pleading.

"Ma'am, your daughter has a terminal and chronic disease, she's only 7, if you want her to at least live beyond 10, then it's best you should be careful with her." The doctor sighs before making up his mind for a while.

"However, if you really want, you may let her go to school, but, she's gonna have to back out from intense physical activities such as running, jumping, or even hard labor. Meaning no extra curricular sport activities or major physical activities." The doctor gives in his decision.

"Really? Thank you so much! I promise, my husband and I will take very good care of her and keep an eye out at all times, Yes it's true that I want my daughter to live her best life, but I also don't want her to leave very early." The woman exclaims in great appreciation and awe.

"Yes, as long as you watch out for the rules listed of the things she has to avoid, especially when she gets older, then she might be able to live longer." The doctor says as he hands the woman a piece of paper printed on the forbidden stuff her daughter has to avoid.

-No smoking
-No vaping
-No alcohol
-No drugs
-No energy drinks
-No excessive intake of non-prescribed pills (eg. Pain meds, Aspirin, Antihistamines, Laxatives, etc.)
-Avoid highly carbonated drinks
-Avoid food high in sodium and fat
-Avoid too much sugar
-Avoid intense physical activities (eg. Sports, Running, Dancing, Labor)

Reading the list crushed the woman's heart into pieces, she worried how her daughter will not be able to live a lively and fun life with all these restrictions, but then, it's better than having to see her poor daughter's name carved into a flat marker.

"I.. I just don't get it.. She was fine when she was born, B-But now she's this weak and fragile kid." The woman sobs as she looks back at her daughter, laying on a hospital bed with a heart rate monitor beside it, she was so small and weak.

"Your daughter's illness is not exacerbate, yet. However, as she gets older, there is a high chance that the disease can spread to her right ventricle, then her atria, and that is when things get serious." The doctor explains further, it seems that this poor child is suffering and everyone is doing everything they can to help.

"My daughter is strong, she is a fighter, and I know that, she will live and she will grow." The woman conveys, the obvious lump in her throat being heard, her voice cracking when she speaks.

- 'Those who are at their weakest, love others the strongest.'



its very short but like idek why I started making this book, ig on a whim or something, let's just hope I won't abandon it after like 2 chapters in LPLOOPLOL

I actually don't know the plot of this story yet but I'll make it up as I go :D

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