Sera Vercetti

"Three, please."

"Do you have another person to ride with you?" The operator questioned.

"No, it's just the three of us." Noa crossed her arms.

"Odd numbered groups are mandatory because you can't ride the jet ski alone, you have to have another pair with you."

"What? That's such a stupid rule, why can't a single person ride the jet ski alone?" Noa threw her hands in the air out of frustration and disbelief.

Devon put a hand on Noa and I's shoulder, "Noa, It's okay, I can go—"

"Two, please." A voice interrupts him, a voice that I knew too well.

The three of us divert our head around to see Aeon and Jean requesting for a ride too. I could only roll my eyes with a sigh while both of them stared back at us.

"Sera! I didn't know you were here, too." Jean greeted with a smile.

"Jean! It's nice seeing you too." I greeted him back with a friendly smile, only to not return it to his older brother beside him.

"One would've been okay, but two? It's still even, one has to go." The operator spoke up.

"I'll go." Devon volunteered as Noa and I give him a look, "It's okay, not a big fan anyway. I'll stay here." He added before pulling out his phone and going to one of the benches at the side to take a seat.

Noa and I exchanged looks before shrugging it off, "We're odd now."

"Perfect. Now, one has to be paired with the opposite gender for weight reasons, you can go with him, and you can you with him." The man points at me then at Aeon, then points at Noa then Jean.

Noa raised a brow as she huffed with an eye roll, "Are you serious? Why are there so many—"

"You all know each other, right?" The operator interrupted.

"Yeah, but—"

"Then I see no issue here." He shot a glare as he tapped away on the monitor in front of him, "All is set, life jackets are inside. Someone will assist you."

Noa groaned with an eye roll, "What a way to be professional." I teased Noa with a nudge on the arm, "You really should tell your dad about him." I suggested while she agreed with a nod. The four of us head inside and was immediately greeted with more operators. They were filled with warmth and were welcoming, unlike compared to the man earlier.

They directed us with the rules and regulations stuff you needed while riding the jet ski, I listened with boredom as I tapped away on my arm. Until what felt like hours, we were finally allowed to start getting ready.

"It's a bummer that we couldn't ride together." Noa frowned.

"Hey, no worries, babe. I'm sure we'll still have lots of fun, Jean is cool and I'm sure you'll enjoy hanging with him." I reassured her with a rub on the shoulder.

"And him?" Her eyes diverted to Aeon busy chatting with one of the female operators, not failing to miss those obvious and loud bedroom eyes she was giving him. Ew.

"I'll be fine." I reassured her once more before Jean approached us with pure excitement on his face, "Are you ready?" Jean asked, all giddy.

"Yep, let's go." Noa nodded, seeming to already start warming up to him.

"I'm so excited, this is my first time going jet skiing!" He enthused.

I watch as the two interact like a proud mother, relieved at how my two children finally got along well. But now I had to deal with my stubborn husband that I never got along with.

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