Sera Vercetti


That's what I felt when it was finally time to reveal the new monthly leaderboard. Normally, if this were any other month, I'd be nervous shitless considering my new rival. But today felt different, I felt as if I'd put in enough needed effort that I feel like I am finally allowed to take a breather and lay back for a bit.

Everyone had gathered in the hall where the list was going to be revealed on the wall-mounted flat screen, and of course, Aeon was the first to get here along with his two minions behind him. He had always been obsessed with the leaderboard ever since he came here, that stupid grin of satisfaction and pride plastered on his face the moment he saw that number '1' next to his name, all while shooting me a smirk once he saw the '2' next to mine.

Noa, Devon, and I stood there along with a few other students while we waited for the reveal that was in a few minutes. "Do you think I finally got into the top ten?" Noa asked with a hopeful smile.

"There's only one way to find out." I reassured her with a smile and a hand on her shoulder.

My stomach jumped once I saw the presentation flashing on the flat screen as the crowd behind me grew louder and more anticipated. Not gonna lie, the presentation on the screen was shit and looked like it was made in PowerPoint by some 90-year-old staff who just discovered technology, but as long as it gets the job done then it's fine, I guess.

It always displayed starting from the top ten and then to the top one, it was all part of the excitement and anticipation, but it certainly didn't help with the slight nervousness I had inside me.

10. Yulia Ivanov - 4.1
9. Natan Krueger - 4.2
8. Valerie Harris - 4.33
7. Yves Lexus Dallas - 4.38
6. Ford Elric - 4.4
5. Stanley Joseph Morrow - 4.5
4. Devon Hades Lockhart - 4.72

"Still the same rank as last month." I heard Devon sigh beside me. I bit my lip as it was time for the top three, he reassuringly placed a hand on my shoulder to help me calm down.

3. Logan Langley - 4.76
2. Aeon Vincent Cartier - 4.94
1. Serafina Isana Vercetti - 4.96

No fucking way.

"Oh my God, Sera!" Noa squealed beside me as she jumped and shook my shoulder, "You did it! You fucking did it! You're number one!"

I fucking did it... After 6 whole months of seeing that number 2 beside my name, it was 1 that I saw this time. Even though I was only 0.02 points above him, I still never felt more proud and satisfied with myself.

"Is this real? I'm first?" I exclaim out of disbelief, not being able to comprehend the sight in front of me.

I did it, I finally beat Aeon fucking Cartier!

Speaking of the devil, I pulled my gaze towards the intense pair of eyes glaring at me. If 'looks could kill' was taken seriously, I would've already been on the ground by now. He looked enraged, fists balled up into a tight clench, looking ready to pounce like an angry lion.

I knew the effect I had on him after he taunted me for the longest time, only for him to end up eating up his own words and place under me. So I did what anyone would've done, and mocked him by giving him a wink and a cocky smile. And that only made him even more angry, jaw clenching before he stormed off, his minions following behind him.

"Serves him right." Noa chuckled beside me, her eyes following angry Aeon storming off.

"I'm sorry you didn't get into the top ten, I'm sure next month you'll get in. I'm still proud of you." I send Noa an empathetic smile as I rub my hand on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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