Disclaimer: If you're not one that's fond of teacher-student relations, then this chapter may not be for you. (I'm pretty sure everyone isn't fond of it including me but yeah)

Sera Vercetti

Biology just ended and nothing, and I mean nothing went inside my head.

Biology had always been my weakest subject and the reason that I had high marks was because I put the most effort in performance tasks rather than written works. Also a bit of pleading and bribing to my teachers.

I'd understand a few of the lessons we had but it depended on the topic that was being lectured, and the one we had today was Molecular biology.

Yes, I excelled in Mathematics and Statistics and I'm naturally good at the two, but there was just something different about Science Math that just made it way harder than Statistical Math.

Everyone in the classroom had just left, except for me and Mr Hennessy who was packing up his things on the desk.

"Excuse me, Sir?" I speak up timidly as I approach Mr. Hennessy packing up his things on the desk, "Yes, Serafina?" He lifts his head up.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask a little bit about the topic we had today, I didn't quite get a few things and I really want to know." I plead.

"Sure, what were the parts that you didn't get?" He asks as he takes the stacks of paper on the desk, straightening them out before putting them into his bag, my eyes following his every movements.

"Well you see, I kind of didn't get most of the lecture, and I've been going over the material over and over again before you even started the lecture, but I don't know, I just don't get it." I explain with a disappointed sigh, really feeling bad for myself and for my professor that was probably so busy and didn't have time for a struggling student like me.

He stays silent for a while as he stands up straight, arms crossing over his chest. "Okay, I understand, I could go over the material for you but I'm a bit busy right now, how about you come meet me in my office after school, hm?"

I feel a wave of relief that he didn't turn me down, "Okay, I'll be there, thank you, Sir." I give him a nod of appreciation before walking out of the classroom and to my next class.

While I'm walking to my next class, I bump into the one and only Aeon. One tells me he bumped into me on purpose.

"Watch where you're going, blind ass." Was this seriously the same man who drove me home and refused to let me off so I was safe?

"You did it on purpose. For someone that's smart, you're really bad at playing dumb." I roll my eyes.

"So you think I'm smart?" His grin flashes into a smirk.

"But I'm smarter. At least I know how to deny and accept between the truth and the lie." I roll my eyes and make my way past him but yelp me he grabs my wrist and pulls me to the side.

"Look, about yesterday, don't tell a single soul that I drove you home, nor tell anyone that you got inside my car. Don't wanna ruin my reputation and dignity that I let someone with a lowlife like you be near my properties." He grits between his teeth, eyes burning into mine. Is he being for real right now?

I yank my wrist from his grip and stand back, "Yeah right, as if I'd let anyone know that I was even in the same car with someone like you," I roll my eyes, "And I won't forget the way you pried into my life that night. It was very disrespectful."

"I wasn't prying, you can't blame me for being curious." He retorts with an eye roll.

"Yet you still kept going even when I told you that I wasn't comfortable opening up to you about it. For someone that excels academically, you really need to learn your boundaries." I cross my arms and squint my eyes at him.

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