Sera Vercetti

"Be careful!" Those were the words I kept hearing over and over again throughout my entire lifetime, I've learned to be careful, because I was "weak".

And I fucking hated it.

Growing up, I had a cage surrounding me, like I was trapped and imprisoned in my own body, I was restricted to mostly everything, it felt as if I was born just to be brought into this world, Like I was born just because. I wasn't born to live, I was born to survive.

Ever since I got diagnosed with a heart disease when I was 3, it felt like I was stepping and walking on thin glass with a long dark trough drop, I had to be careful of where and how hard I stepped, otherwise, it would crack, until it shatters and I fall to my death.

That's what it felt like, I had to watch out for everything, people were so fixated on the fact that I was only some sick kid, not someone that sees me as, myself.

There's many people I despise in my life, but there were also many I love and am thankful for, one of those people were my mom.

My mom loved me to death, literally, she'd stay by my side to take care of me until the unfortunate took over my body, even though she worries sick about me, she still let me do the things that other people are so scared of me doing. When I was younger, the doctor advised my mom to just let me stay at home and homeschool me, however, she refused, she didn't want that, and she knew I didn't want it when I grew older.

I'm grateful to have been able to live this long, 18 whole years. The doctors even concluded that I'll only live until 10 years old maximum, but I'm here to prove them wrong, that I'm still alive, thriving, and healthy, except for my heart, obviously.

I love my life right now, yes I have restrictions, a lot of them. But I never really let those get in the way of living this life how I wanted, I love how my life is built today, I love the people and environment around me, and I am more than thankful for that.

"Sera! It's 7:50!" I heard my mom call for me downstairs. "Serafina, hurry up or you're gonna be late!" My mom calls once again, I let out a sigh and roll my eyes while I start putting on my socks and shoes.

"Coming!" I yell back.

After putting on my shoes I quickly grab my backpack, I had slept in a bit today because I was up all night finishing some stupid Biology homework, God forbid biology even if he was the one that created it.

"You need to be more punctual, honey." My mom tuts and shakes her head as I run down the stairs and run past her.

"I'm sorry, mama, Mr. Hennessy gave us extra work last minute last night, I had to finish it or he'll go bonkers." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Well you better tell that old hag to stop giving last minute homework every night, otherwise, I'm gonna go there myself and shove a bottle Hennessy down his throat so he can inebriate himself into reality." She declared with a hint of disgust and disappointment.

"Let's just hope he gives us more last minute homework then." I chuckle as I grab my needed books from the shelf along with my packed lunch and stuff them inside my backpack. "Bye mama, I love you!" I say as I place a quick kiss on her cheek and make my way out of the door. "I love you more, Sera, have a great day at school!"

My school wasn't that far from here, it was only about a 10 minute walk away from my house, however, since I was running late today, I decided to take the bus because I don't wanna risk running and arrive out of breath.

After the super quick bus ride, I got off and head towards the the building, I quickly checked my watch to see that I was just on time.

Some have said that since I had a weak heart, also meant that I had weak brain, which is bullshit because I was literally one of the top students in the entire school right now, those who thought that had were the ones that should be declared brain dead.

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