♫︎ Keep it Up - Chase Atlantic ♫︎

Sera Vercetti

My life had many surprises, along with ups and downs. Unexpected things were always right around the corner and they never fail to leave me dumbfounded.

But one of them I never would've expected being me in Aeon Cartier's car, driving me home.

I just couldn't believe it.

The drive there was silent, the awful and ear ringing type of silent.

All I could hear was the sound of the engine running and the tires crushing over rocks and pebbles.

I stay stiff in my seat, hands on my lap, darting my eyes frantically between him driving and the headlight lit road ahead.

I was still calming myself down from that experience earlier, it was a matter of a life and death situation.

I still don't know I was able to trust this man in riding his car with him, he could literally drive me off to the middle of nowhere and murder me there or something.

But then again, it's better to trust someone you know than someone you don't.

I open my mouth in an attempt to say something, but I quickly change my mind and close it again.

I don't know why I was so scared to say something, it wasn't like this when we were at school, but now that we were alone, it felt like all the courage and audacity of talking back to Aeon was gone.

Finally, I take a deep breath and clear my throat, "You do know that you could just drop me off at the side there and I'll walk home, my house isn't that far from here anyway." I break off the god awful awkward silence.

"And risk the idea of you being potentially harassed or followed again? No way." He dictated, seriousness lacing his voice.

"So what? It doesn't matter, not to someone like you, of course." I replied with a shrug.

He stayed silent for a while before answering, "It'd be a bit boring if I didn't have anyone to compete with, right?" He smirks, eyes taking a brief glance at me.

"So you actually find beating me and competing against me entertaining?" I assumed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It wouldn't be as entertaining if I was only competing against you and not beating you, am I right doll?" He mocked.

He really needs to stop calling me that.

I furrow my brows and stare at him for a while, "You do know that there are other people that you can compete with? There's Logan Langley, she's third on the leaderboard right now."

"But I want you." He quickly replied.

His answer stunned me a bit, "Well, the others barely put up a fight. And if I've done my research correctly, you're the most competitive student at our school right now, I like a good competition, y'know." He quickly added with a smirk.

I roll my eyes at his answer, "Right, cause making someone else suffer and overthink loads is good competition and fun."

"Oh my, the Serafina Vercetti is suffering against the Aeon Cartier? What a shame, I wonder what the others at school might think of this." He mocks, taunting me with a stupid grin and those stupid dimples flashing on his cheeks.

"Shut up, I never said that." I reply and roll my eyes while he just chuckles.

As we got to the highway, looking across the road ahead, I notice there was some traffic, there's always really bad traffic in this area at this hour, so it's gonna take a while for us to get to my house.

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