Sera Vercetti

"What is your problem?" I glare my eyes at him.

"Not my fault you're blind as fuck," He grins. "I know you think that I don't know, but I know you wear prescription contacts. What? too scared to wear glasses, and end up looking nerdier than you are right now?" He taunts, pointing at my face like a child before he starts walking away, two of his friends following behind him like some minions.

I give him a death glare and clench my fist harder, so what if I had bad eyesight?

I huff and glare at him as I attempt to approach him once more, only for him to back away and hold his palms up to his chest, "Ew, don't touch me. Look at you, you're covered in milk like a calf bouncing up and down on their mother's tits." He exclaims in disgust.

I furrow my brows and remember that I'm covered in milk from head to toe, yuck.

I looked like a cum dump.

What was that?

Without hesitation, I lunge forward toward him and smear as much milk on my hands and myself on his clothes and face.

"What the fuck?" He glares and instantly takes a step back, "Ugh, you filthy rat, now I've got your cooties on me."

"Serves you right, cheek-holes." I roll my eyes.

"Cheek-holes?" He pulls his head up with a raised brow.

"Yeah, cheek-holes, because of those canyons drilled into your cheeks." I reply, indicating the deep dimples in his cheeks.

"You're funny, doll." He bantered with sarcasm.

"Weirdo." I hear him mutter under his breath, he rolled his eyes before turning to one of his minions, "Rune, tissue." He holds his hand up.

"Yes, Sir." Rune immediately replies and hands him a tissue from his pocket.

Aeon swiftly snatches it from him and starts wiping off the milk I smeared on him, "Ridiculous." He mumbles under his breath.

He continues wiping himself down while walking away, his stupid minions following behind.

"I'm sorry about him, I don't know why he acts like that, to be honest." I hear someone speak up beside me, I turn my head to see Jean Cartier, handing me a tissue.

I take the tissue from him and start patting the milk off myself, "Thank you."

I express with fondness, looking down at my watch. "I'm sorry, but I have to go to class, thank you anyway," I explain and he nods in understanding before I run off to my next class which is thankfully just around the corner.

"I'm gonna murder that guy, I'm gonna slice his stomach open, and I'm gonna yank out his intestines and sew them back into his belly button like an umbilical cord so he can realize how peaceful life was when he was still in his mother's uterus." Noa exclaims in rage as she leans on the sink next to her, "How stupid is he?".

"Stupid enough to not see where he was going apparently," I respond from inside one of the bathroom cubicles, I thankfully had spare clothes in my locker since the ones I wore were drenched and the milk started to smell foul.

"Maybe he has bad eyesight like you too." Noa assumes.

"I highly doubt it." I reply.

After changing, I head out of the cubicle and start fixing myself up in the mirror next to Noa reapplying some blush and lip gloss. I take out my cute pink makeup pouch with baby pink frills and a ribbon at the front. I grab some powder since my skin was oiler than usual.

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