the world I go out to the fire of the mountain block

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I had so many story ideas but been too lazy to write them all xDDDDDD

Anyhow I fucking miss my old Harry Styles fanfics if only I could go back in time and private them instead of deleting them permanently, I'm so stupid wtf

I honestly don't know any medical shit so if you're a medical professional and notice something wrong with my medical shit then I apologize in advance :P

ALSO, I am not a wordy nor a poetic person so my writing can get a bit iffy and cheesy lolz, and also has to do with the fact that English isn't my first language and my vocabulary isn't that wide so my dialogues and paragraphs tend to be dry and flavourless 😞

I can't say that I put in all seriousness into this book and just made it for funsies!!! so there might be some parts that are complete bs or don't make sense

ALSO the setting for this book is.. unsure.. tbh idek what country they're in it's just that they're a bunch of foreign mixed kids that ended up in one place, so there will be no mention of a specific country or city that they are in, including school names, home address, etc. So feel free to use ur imagination ^^

ALSO!!! If I ever get a school related error whether it's misplaced subjects or activities, thats because I'm from Asia and our school curriculum here is very different!!! so if you're someone from the west and find that your school curriculum is different from the one here in the book then don't be too bothered, I just based off the school curriculum here in the book with our school curriculum in my country so it makes things easier for me

thanks it thanks xx

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