1: Harumi's baby

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Lloyd was still in the middle of getting his bedroom set up after the monastery was finally rebuilt. Most of the monastery was already complete and Pixal already moved onto to rebuilding the secret base and vehicles. Nobody expected there to be any more criminals around but that was her thing and she enjoyed it. Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane were sat at the table eating cold pudding before getting back to work. Nya was still in the middle of finding her identity after she lost her powers, however although Master Wu kept telling her true power was never lost. Wu and Garmadon had also built a strong connection over the past couple months which Lloyd had noticed.

Whilst Lloyd was clearing out a few empty boxes, he received a phone call from the Police Commissioner asking him to come to Kryptarium. It sounded urgent and the call was very brief. Not thinking too much, Lloyd left the monastery without telling the others.


When he arrived at Kryptarium, the commissioner welcomed him in straight away. Lloyd was also greeted by the warden and other staff members and security guards.

That's odd, what's up? Maybe they haven't seen my in a while, that's all.

However, instead of being led to the prison wing, he followed the commissioner to a sharp left onto a corridor he never knew even existed. It was a hospital. Lloyd glanced around, a white tiled floor, white and blue painted walls peeling with brown brown stains and blinding lights. Typical. Lloyd counted the amount of green curtains he walked past until the commissioner stopped. 16, double curtains with a locked hook to tie the both together. Strange, none of the others had any.

"What do you need me for?" Lloyd asked the commissioner bluntly.

"I think it's best you see for yourself."

Lloyd gulped, drawing the curtain back just enough for him to enter. A girl, who looked a year, or so, younger than him, lay on one bed, and next to her with a glass bassinet with a baby wrapped in a pink swaddle. The girl had long white hair and a pinned back fringe. She sat up and opened her hazel brown eyes.


"Hey Llooydd, II'd thouught you'd neverr coome!" she slurred.

"Are you... alright?" he asked, "You're a bit-"

"We had to put her on medication for the pain," the nurse explained.

Lloyd noticed the heavy dark bags under her eyes. "Sorry for waking you Rumi, rest. We'll talk when you're feeling better," he rushed to tell her.

"Oh, alright then but I really wanted for you to-" She was cut off by Lloyd tucking her into the thin hospital blanket. She rolled onto her side and shut her eyes. Lloyd smiled with the look of love in his eyes.

"Is this... hers?" Lloyd reluctantly asked the nurse.

"Yes, she gave birth to her last night, it was hard to see her without anyone there for her," the nurse explained, "She also said you were the father, we weren't sure if you were aware of her pregnancy.  She's very cute, isn't she?"

Phew, the thought of anyone coming near her, never mind laying a hand on her, made me shiver. What am I saying? When did this all even happen. It couldn't have been-

His mind drifted back to the night during the Overlord's reign, before he had taken his physical form, when Harumi was in charge of watching him. The stress she was under...

"We would like to take a paternity test just to um, clear some details up," the nurse stated, leaving Lloyd in a flurry of mixed emotions, "if you'd just follow me over into this room here."

The nurse peels off the packaging of a long needle. "We'll need to take a blood test and a cheek swab," she explains.

"Oh um, alright then," Lloyd follows, pulling up the sleeve of his gi and resting his arm on the countertop beside him.
The nurse draws his blood, quickly applying a cotton ball with a plaster on top.
"Are you alright to do your cheek swab now?" the nurse hurriedly asked.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

The nurse hands him the clean swab, fresh out from the packaging as she directs him to the nearby mirror underneath the cabinet.

"Just on the sides of both of your cheeks, please."

Lloyd nods and does so, then handing the swab back to the nurse. She breaks it in half, closing it into the cylindrical clear swab container and sealing it in the sterilised bag.

"Thank you, Mr Garmadon, we'll have the results to you by tomorrow, so please return to the this same place before visiting hours."

"Okay, got it, thank you, for everything, including for her baby," Lloyd smiled, walking out of the room.

Before leaving, Lloyd goes back to the ward to check up on Harumi and her baby girl. Harumi was still sleeping but the baby was wide awake with the biggest grin on her face, rolling left and right. Lloyd caressed the baby's tiny cheek with his finger, smiling to himself. The baby smiled some more as her shiny eyes gazed into his.
"She's right. You really are cute."


"Soooo... where did you head off to?" Kai popped his head out of his room when Lloyd returned home.

"Oh not much, just at Kryptarium. Ronin and his friends acting up again," Lloyd lied.

I can't let anyone know yet. Not until I'm sure. What will they think of me? What will I think of myself?

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