8: Don't mess up

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By now, Lumina had already grew significantly. As Harumi cleaned her and put on a fresh diaper on her, she struggled to button the bottom of her one-piece.

"You've grown a lot, Lu," she pointed out, trying to stretch the fabric, "Am I hurting you?"

The baby cooed in response, not like she expected an actual response from her anyways, "We need to ask Dada for some new clothes, don't we Lu?" she tickled the baby's stomach. "Yeah?" she smiled at the sight.

Harumi took the incessant giggles as a yes, as she scooped up the happy baby into her arms. Walking out of the room, she noticed everyone was still asleep.

"Bwaba," Lu babbled, as she caught the attention of her mother.

"Yeah, Lu! Everyone's still asleep, should we make a surprise breakfast for them?"


"Yeah? Okay."

She rummaged through the fridge, one hand cradling Lumi, the other searching through the food.


There was no response heard from the baby, who continued to stare at her mother's face.

"Pork buns?"

The once settled baby, once those two words were said, started to wriggle in her mother's arm, flapping her arms and legs.

Harumi giggled, "Yeah? You like that? You can't eat them though, not yet at least." She caressed her daughter's cheek. "I'll make sure that you have a try once you start eat solids."

"You know what I'm craving?" the girl gasped, "Chocolate cake with ganache frosting!" she gushed.

Once again, there was no response from her daughter.

"No? I'll just make it for Cole and I then."

Taking frozen pork buns out the freezer and cake ingredients out the cupboard, she set down Lumi, who recently was able to sit up herself without drifting to one side, on the kitchen counter while she got to baking.


Exhausted, Harumi slumped onto the sofa as the aroma of the steaming hot pork buns and chocolate cake currently baking in the oven encircled her nose.

"It smells good, Lu. I'm so hungry. That reminds me, you haven't eaten yet!" the girl gasped, "You've been very good and haven't cried at all, you really are getting bigger."

Unbuttoning her top blouse buttons, Lumi latched on instantly as her eyes started to fall heavy and drift off. Her mother smiled at the sight as she tapped her back gently.

"I smell cake!" Cole exclaimed as he slid open his bedroom door.

"And I smell buns!" Jay added, sliding his door open as well.

The other ninja slowly started to wake up after Cole and Jay's excitement.

"Wow, Zane you made all this?" Pixal said, as she took a seat next to him.

"No, I didn't, I merely saw Cole and Jay eat some pork buns, and decided to eat some too."

"Wait, Zane, you didn't make them?" Cole asked, shoving the rest of the bun into his mouth.

"So if it wasn't Zane, who was it?" Kai raised his eyebrows.

They all heard a coo from the sofa behind them. Buttoning up her blouse, Harumi got up from the sofa and took out the cake from the oven.

"Enjoy!" the girl said as she poured the gooey chocolate ganache frosting onto the hot cake as it dribbled off the sides.

"Chocolate ganache cake! My favourite," Cole screamed.

Lumi let out a high pitched squeal which imitated the sound Cole made. Giggling, Harumi moved the cake into the middle of the table and put the jug into the sink to wash. Turning on the tap, she felt two warm arms grasp her waist, hugging her tightly. She glanced behind to see who it was even though she already felt Lloyd's presence.

"Good morning, Rumi," Lloyd said, kissing her temple. "Let me help you, or at least hold Lu."

"I'm fine, Lloyd, please go eat, take Lu then," she insisted, as she placed the newly awoke baby in his arms.

Lloyd took a seat on the opposite side of the table, "Good morning, Lu," he said, taking a bite from his bun.

After Harumi finished washing the dishes, she sat down next to Lloyd. By now, all the ninja were present, Nya being the last to wake up.

"Harumi, you made these? They're delicious!" Nya's eyes widened.

"Oh no, I only cooked them, they were pre made ones I found in the freezer," she explained.

"They're not poisoned... are they?" Kai sheepishly asked.

Harumi, shocked at the accusation, stayed quiet. She knew they meant no harm, but it did hurt her to see that not everyone trusted her.

"Kai, she's eating them herself!" Nya quickly said once she noticed Harumi's loss in demeanour.

Kai chuckled nervously once he saw Lloyd's glares from across the table, "Don't worry Rumi, he was just joking, right, Kai?"

"Uh, yeah! I didn't mean it, at all!" Kai stuttered.

"No, Kai," Harumi pushed the words out her mouth, "I-I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm sorry if it looked like I v-victimised myself."

What's wrong with me? Why are you being so sensitive recently. Now you're making Kai scared of you, way to go Rumi.

"So... we good?" Kai rubbed the back of his neck.

Don't mess up this time, Rumi.

"Yeah, we g-good," she blinked away her tears, her voice trembling.

"I'll wash the pork bun dish," Jay said to break the awkwardness, "Should we get a knife to cut the cake?"

"Ooh yes please!" Cole grinned.

"Cole, you can get it yourself."

"Oh, come on!"

After everyone had a slice of the cake, they left two slices for Misako and Wu and started to clean up.

"Lloyd, I believe that Lumina's romper has not been buttoned at the bottom," Zane pointed out.

"Oh, yeah thanks Zane," Lloyd said, adjusting her in his arms.

"It's too small for her already, so it doesn't close," Harumi explained.

"Oh no, that's not good Lu, is it?" he said, fiddling with the buttons. "We should buy new ones Rumi, she's not going to fit in her newborn clothes anymore."

"Yeah, Lumi and I were thinking about."

"Why don't you three go today? Lumi's never been to Ninjago City," Jay suggested.

"But the public don't know she exists yet, neither do they know Harumi's out of Kryptarium," Lloyd reminded.

"It's fine! Just wear a few disguises, and nobody will ever know they're there!" Cole said.

"Do you want to?" Lloyd put a hand on Harumi.

"Yeah, I actually kind of do."

"Okay then."

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