13: Missing Mama

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Lumina decided to have an early start that morning, quarter to 6, to be exact. Lloyd decided for the two to share his bed together that night and woke up to the sounds of what he thought to be a hungry baby. He tried calming her down while he prepared some formula milk for her, but she would not latch on long enough to the bottle when he presented it to her and the contents dribbled out of her small mouth.

"Don't tell me you want..." Lloyd frowned, with a wince on his face, as he watched his daughter attempt to pull down his green shirt and suck through the fabric. To her surprise, there was nothing and opened her eyes to see her inside her father's arms. She broke out in a wail again, and Lloyd sighed as he opened the fridge for some breast milk. He was surprised Lumi could even taste or even just tell the difference. Perhaps Lloyd underestimated his daughter, she did take her smarts from her mother after all.

"Everything okay?" Cole peeped his head out of his bedroom door.

Lloyd jumped, "Oh, Cole, it's just you. Yeah we're fine. You're not usually awake at this time, in fact you're usually the last to wake in the mornings."

"Oh, yeah, just woke up from the crying and figured to give you a hand," he walked up to the two.

"Sorry, with Harumi not here, someone's gotta give her her super early morning feed," Lloyd rubbed the back of his neck, before taking out the milk from the microwave and pouring the newly warmed milk into a new bottle. "Do you wanna feed her?"

"I- uh, sure. Why not?" Cole agreed, taking the baby whose eyes followed the milk bottle's every move.

"Here," Lloyd handed Cole the bottle, which warmed up his cold hands.

Lloyd watched as Cole fed Lumina, who was gulping away, happily. He remembered the times during the SOG, when Cole was the one who looked after Master Wu. Perhaps Lumina's cousin would first come from them. That reminded him, wasn't there a ballroom party planned for Vania's birthday?

"When's Vania's birthday party?" Lloyd spaced out his thoughts.

"Oh, it's uh in a couple weeks," Cole replied, not taking his eyes off the baby.

"I completely had no idea how soon it was, I've just been so out of it recently and—"

"It's fine, Lloyd. Don't worry, why don't today we all go out and get something fancy to wear. It's not everyday you get to wear a tuxedo and tie."

"Awesome, we can even get a little dress for Lumi too," Lloyd caressed her cheek.


After Lumina's feed, the three got a couple more hours of sleep until Lloyd woke up again to more of her cries. He thought he was being paranoid of last night, but once he realised that he was not dreaming nor hallucinating, he had to get up.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Lloyd held her in a hug and patted her back as he swayed her slowly. Laying his head on her back, he got a good whiff of her, "Poopy diaper?" Lloyd got up to lay her on the changing mat placed on her dresser. He held his breath before opening the diaper and cleaning her up. Taking out a new one from the box beside him, he realised they were running low. Sticking the sides on tight, he buttoned up the bottom of her romper and told her, "All done, Lu! Can you say all done?"

However, this time she wouldn't babble in response like she usually would. She continued wailing, wriggling in her spot, "Are you hungry? You can't be tired, you've just woken up, uhm!" he searched around and found the bottle from last night. He tried to feed her but to his dismay, she continued her kicking and pushed the bottle away from her. Lloyd started to grow helpless as he held his squirming daughter in a hug, as he rubbed her back.

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