4: Do they hate me?

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The next morning Lloyd woke up to the sound of everyone in the monastery running around everywhere.

"Is the room ready?" Kai asked, sat on the sofa, slurping up the last of his smoothie.

"Where are the diapers?" Nya rushed around.

"Oh gosh! Do we even have diapers?" Jay screamed.

"Why would we have diapers? We're ninja!" Cole rolled his eyes.

"The room is all set up," Misako informed the others.

"Zane, have you made any breakfast? I'm starving and I bet Harumi will be!" Nya called out.

"It's almost ready, does she like açai bowls?" Zane replied, focusing on his frozen fruits.

"I don't know! Ask Lloyd!" she directed, in a state of panic.

"Is Lloyd even awake yet?!" Jay screamed once more.

"It is unlikely that he is still asleep due to the noise we have created," Pixal informed.

Lloyd groaned before getting out of bed, "I guess that's my cue." He rolled out of bed and slid the door open.

"Lloyd!" everyone exclaimed.

"I've prepared everything for Harumi and baby Lumina's arrival today!" Kai called from the sofa which he laid on with this hands behind his head.

"You didn't do even do anything!" his sister said in frustration.

His mother came up to newly woken Lloyd and held his hands, "It's already almost 11 son, why don't you head of your bring Harumi and your daughter
home. We'll take care of the rest."

"Mom, are you sure? I feel bad for not at least helping out with something," Lloyd rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's alright, son, I'm sure we are all more than happy to see Lumina for the first time," she insisted.

"Okay then, bye Mom. Love you," he waved to her as he headed off to Kryptarium in his green sports car.

When Lloyd arrived at Kryptarium, he was already familiar with the corridors. Rushing down the ward, he spotted the double curtains and bursted through.

"Oh... hey Lloyd," Harumi shoved a forced grin on her face. "I'm almost done packing Lumi's things so w-"

"What's wrong Rumi?" Lloyd asked. He could see through her lie. "You know you have to pretend your alright when you're not. You were so excited to get out of here yesterday."

"Lloyd, I was just thinking..."


"Do... the others still hate me?" her voice trembled.

"I'll be honest with you Rumi. I'd be surprised if they still do, they all helped out this morning to prepare for you and Lumi's arrival. I can tell they all care."


"Yeah, and if it's something that bothers you that much, you can always ask them. Plus, I couldn't possibly still hate you. You've changed Rumi, a lot."

"Thanks... Lloyd. It means a lot to hear someone say that."

"No problem," he smiles.

"Are we ready to leave, Lu?" she lifts her daughter into her arms.

"I'll carry your bag for you," Lloyd insists, swinging the duffel bag onto his shoulder, "Come on then, let's go."

The couple and their newborn left the ward and out Kryptarium.

"Do we... have to walk there?" Harumi sighed, gazing at the blazing sun.

"No no, of course not," Lloyd replied, directing Harumi to where his car was parked.

She gasped. "Do you have a car seat for Lu?"

"Sorry, not yet. We'll get one soon, I promise."

Lloyd opened the back door for her where she buckled herself in. "It's okay, I can just hold her.

They drove off at a high speed avoiding all traffic to get to the monastery as quick as possible.

"Aw, Lumi's fallen asleep now," Harumi caressed her cheek.


When they arrived at the monastery, Harumi threw herself onto the edge decking.
"That was a lot of steps," she gasped for air.

"Sorry Rumi, I forgot you're still in pain."

"Wow, thanks," she rolled her eyes at him.

"It's quiet... what are they up to?" Lloyd shrugged. "Guess we'll find out."

When Lloyd's hand reached for the door knob, his hand trembled.

Why are you nervous? They already know everything, so you have nothing to hide. I guess it's just... awkward, no? So you're embarrassed of your family now? No no! That's not what I meant at all. What am I saying? Just open the door.

Before Lloyd fiddles with the door knob for another couple seconds, someone on the other side slides it open.

"Surprise!" they all call out, popping there heads through different sides of the door.

"Hey guys," Lloyd walks through the door and Harumi hesitantly follows him.

"Come in, Harumi," Misako lays a hand on her shoulder.

The ninja all gathered around Harumi who rocked the baby. Misako directed Harumi over to the sofa where the ninja all followed like a flock of sheep, not taking their eyes off the baby.

"Hi Luminaaaa," Jay whispered for the first time. Jay took a closer look at the sleeping baby. "She's so cute!" he shrieked.

"Shh Jay, she's sleeping," Nya nudged him.

"Can I hold her?" Cole asked eagerly.

Harumi looked at Lloyd, who spoke for her, "Sure, but please be careful..." Harumi gently placed her into Cole's arms, as everyone's attention directed towards him.

"My turn," Kai said, with his arms outstretched for the baby.

Kai looked at Harumi for permission before giving Lumina to Kai. She smiled at him, which Cole took as a yes.

"Hi Lumina, I'm Uncle Kai," he introduced, "the best uncle," he added.

Kai's remark turned a peaceful moment into a full blown argument on who really was the best uncle. In a matter of seconds, Lumina jerked, which became squirming and then a loud cry escaped. Kai, in a state of panic, lifted the wriggling baby into the air, which he gave back to Harumi, who just sighed. Misako showed Harumi and Lumina into the guest room, where they sat down on the bed together.

"Great, now just look what you've done!" Lloyd shot at them, silencing everyone's argument.

"Sorry Lloyd," Kai said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sorry buddy," Cole agreed.

"We're all sorry," Jay sighed.

"It's been a long day for everyone, let's just all go to bed," Lloyd said, calming down, he hoped nobody thought he was mad at them. It was just in the heat of the moment.

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