12: Promise me

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The cameras followed the police cars which drove away to Kryptarium while most of the reporters also chased after them. The ninja hurriedly shut the monastery gates before they would return, letting out a sigh of relief.

"That was close," Jay slumped onto the ground, his back facing the monastery door.

"Way too close," Cole agreed.

"What are we going to do?" Nya threw herself on Jay, who quickly stood up to catch her.

"We go to Kryptarium and get Rumi and Lu back," Lloyd said, as he put on his old hood, which he hadn't wore since ages, with a look of determination in his eyes. He climbed over the back of the monastery walls to avoid the crowds and drove off in his car.

"Did he just?"

"He just did."


By the time Lloyd reached Kryptarium, the crowds had thinned down, most not determined enough to walk all the way there. The police cars had just beat Lloyd there and within a couple seconds, he had burst through the prison doors to find the Warden and Commissioner.

"Where's my family?" Lloyd demanded as he ran through the corridor. He saw an innocent looking police officer in training and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Where is Harumi and Lumina Jade?" Lloyd could feel a sensation tingling from his palm and fingers, the same purple energy as his oni form.

No no no! Calm down, Lloyd. This can't be happening!

He took some deep breaths. "Sorry. Do you know where they are?"

The intimidated man shook his head in fear, in hopes that the Green Ninja would loosen up or let go of his shoulder. Lloyd, worried that he was wasting valuable time, dropped the man and continued running down the corridor.

"Oh Lloyd, you're here!" the Warden smiled from his desk.

"Do you know where my family has been taken to?" Lloyd shut his eyes so he wouldn't have another burst of anger.

"I'm afraid Harumi's locked up. She's been assigned into the high danger criminal cells," he rubbed the back of his neck.

Lloyd broke down mentally but knew he had to keep strong for his family. "A-And Lumina?"

"Lumina, I'm not so sure. I last saw her with the Commissioner and he went down that way," the Warden directed him along to a side passage opposite the hospital.

"Thank you," Lloyd rushed, before dashing off. Who knew what would happen to her if he wasn't there for her. He swore that day he set eyes on his daughter that he would never abandon her, unlike his parents. And he was already breaking that promise. He pushed open the double doors and started searching through the different rooms they could be in. His heart started thumping faster and faster each second he couldn't find his daughter. Bursting through the last door on the far end, he saw the Commissioner tending the baby cradled in his arms. Lloyd paused. Lloyd sighed. "How could you take her from me? How could you take them both from me?" Lloyd tried to take the baby from his arms but he edged away from the table so he couldn't reach.

"Let us talk first," the Commissioner pulled open a drawer, which contained a certain folder named 'Garmadon'. "I did what I had to. This is the law! You signed on the agreement," the Commissioner pushed the file of documents and signatures in front of Lloyd.

"But it never said anything about Lumina!" he tested.

"It said she was not to be revealed to the public!" the man flipped to the page where it had a full section about her.

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