11: Detained and imprisoned

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Lumina woke up to the sight of her mother. Same face but different? She didn't care though, she loved to see her mother's face and she loved it even more now. Harumi, now clean of her red paint, picked up the baby who giggled and wrapped her in a tight hug. Harumi hoped her daughter wouldn't remember the old her, because maybe she'd be able to make connections when she was older - that she was the one who helped destroy the city two times. She wanted her daughter to grow up hoping that she would look up to her and Lloyd as a good role models.

"Hey Rumi," Lloyd entered the bedroom and came to sit on the side of the bed with her.

Harumi placed Lumina down on her stomach to practise her crawling since she already started trying to push on her arms and legs to move. "Oh, good morning, Lloyd."

"You decided to remove the paint?" he clasped his arms tightly around the girl.

"Yeah, I thought about it, and I decided I wanted to," she smiled, watching her daughter attempt to crawl.

"She's so close to crawling already," he let go of her.

"Isn't she? Is my baby growing up too quickly?"

"She really is. How about we get some breakfast?"

"I'm scared, Lloyd. I'm scared the others will judge me for... for looking like this again."

"Rumi... why would they? If anything, they'd be over the moon you had the confidence to make such a big decision like this."

"A-Are you sure?" Harumi had a face of reluctance. Lloyd nodded at the girl. "Alright then," she looked at him with a smile beaming across her face.

Lloyd scooped up his daughter and let her face rest on his broad shoulder, as they left the bedroom. Harumi took a deep breath and followed closely behind her boyfriend.

Nya was already sat by the table, eating breakfast, but as soon as Harumi caught her attention, she leaped out of her chair and gave Harumi a tight hug. Although she had no idea of why she decided to change, she was happy for the girl, happy for her to express herself the way she wanted to. Nya pulled away slowly, and saw Lumina's beady iridescent green eyes, staring into her soul, with such innocence yet such cuteness. She couldn't get over the fact that Lumina was an exact copy of Lloyd and Harumi at the same time, but girl version, messy dirty blonde hair and of course, her emerald orbs. Even her small button nose reminded her of them. She hoped that her and Jay could also share the same experience one day.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Nya asked them as she wafted away her thoughts.

"We'd love to, yeah Lu?" Lloyd bounced the baby up and down, as he turned his back so that she could face Nya.

Lumina babbled, as a trail of saliva dribbled out her hanging open mouth onto his shoulder. She had already recognised that when her mother and father referred to the sound 'Lu', it meant they were talking to her.

The two girls shared a glance at each other and laughed, "What would you like, Lumi? Some porridge? Maybe a banana on the side?" Nya caressed the baby's small, soft to touch hand.

"Yes please!" Lloyd imitated a high pitch voice, what he thought Lumina would sound like if she spoke, which to Harumi just sounded like the Jay's creaky bathroom door at 2 in the morning.

"Coming right up, sweetie," Harumi said as she dragged Nya with her to the kitchen counter. "You peel the banana, and I'll make the porridge."


After everyone had eaten and Lumina was well fed, they all decided to hang out in the living room, everyone either sitting in the sofa or the carpet, where a coffee table used to be. Harumi took advantage of this time and sat her daughter down on the fluffy carpet for her to practise crawling.

"Hey, turn that up," Lloyd told Jay, who was changing through the different channels there were to offer.

"The news? Since when did you watch that?" Jay asked.

"Just turn it up, I think I-" Lloyd paused to listen carefully to what the television was saying.

Jay shrugged and turned it up as he said.

"... Found security footage of Lloyd Garmadon with, who is recognised to be, Harumi Jade and a child in her hands in Ninjago City!" Gayle Gossip announced.

Once Harumi heard those words, she ran over to Lloyd and quickly threw herself into Lloyd's arms, who was propped up by a few pillows but drawn to the screen. She broke into a quiet sob, but Lloyd could feel her tears falling down her face and onto his neck and chest faster and more than ever.

"Shh, shh," Lloyd ran his hand through the girl's silky white hair, "It's alright. We'll sort this out - together."

Suddenly, Harumi felt a little hand tap her leg, and startled, she broke from his arms and turned to see that Lumina had crawled over towards her mother and father. Harumi let out a small giggle and quickly wiped away her tears so that her daughter wouldn't have to see her in that state, and carried her into the air by her armpits.

"Well done, Lu. I'm so so proud of you," she kissed her forehead.

"...Reporters are on their way to the monastery to interview them live!" the television played.

Everyone gasped. Lumina didn't like the expressions the ninja and her mother wore on their faces and started to wail and cry. Harumi held her daughter close to her chest.

"We'll make sure they don't get in," Nya suggested as her and the others ran outside to the monastery doors.

"We're too late!" Jay shrieked as he saw the crowd of reporters and bystander citizens burst through the doors.

Lloyd and Harumi followed behind to see what was going on as everyone tried to keep the flow of people back. Through the crowd, was the Commissioner and a group of police officers, who shoved through the crowd. Once they caught sight of Harumi, one policeman grabbed the child from her arms, as she squirmed, bawling louder and harder than ever, another clenching Harumi by her wrists behind her back and attached handcuffs.

"Lloyd!" she screamed, as she attempted to wriggle free from the officer's strong hold.

"Harumi!" he ran after her, but it was too late, by the time he made his way through the swarm of people, Harumi had been dragged away and thrown into a police car, with her daughter in a separate one. She kicked on the window of the car she was detained in, hoping Lloyd could come save her.

"If you are not willing to cooperate, I have no issues with electrocuting you unconscious," the officer, who sat in the driver's seat, said with a solemn look on his face.

"They have Rumi."

"And they have Lumina."

"And we have trouble."

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