Interview - Vic F.

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Interview - Vic F.

Summary:Lana, Vic' fiancée, and Jaime's little sister, is on tour with them and is doing an interview with the band, who insisted she answer questions with them

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Lana, Vic' fiancée, and Jaime's little sister, is on tour with them and is doing an interview with the band, who insisted she answer questions with them.

Video inspo: 10 Favourite Things With Pierce The Veil by Pub Fresh

Lana had just sat down in the middle of Tony and her fiancée, Vic, for an interview, she had tried to explain to the four of them that she was fine with not being in it but they had insisted saying that they didn't want her to be bored and that she was basically part of their band.

"Are you sure Vic?" Lana asked him as he smiled at her, "Obviously, you're overthinking, no one's gonna care if you answer questions with us, it's gonna be fun." Vic reassured with a soft smile, "Yeah, calm down Lanana banana." Jaime joked using his nickname for her resulting in an eye roll from the brunette girl.

"So are we good to start?" The man recording asked, "Yeah." Vic responded as he took Lana' hand. "We're Pierce the Veil, and Lana," Jaime started with a laugh, "And we're gonna tell you some of our favourite things."

"Favourite Halloween costume?" Jaime asked pointing at Vic, "Prince." Vic admitted before pointing at his fiancée, "Flapper girl." She responded quietly, that's the thing, her and her brother were the complete opposite, where as he's loud and always needing to fidget and be around people she was quiet and could stay still for hours at a time and could enjoy time by herself.

"What about you Tony?" She asked him nudging his leg, "Uh I can't remember." He muttered, "Edward scissor hands." Mike confessed before they all looked at Jaime, "My favourite Halloween costume? I was a bum once." He said making the other four laugh, especially his younger sister remembering that Halloween and his ridiculous costume.

"I was."

"That's not funny."

"It's not, but I was."

"It wasn't for Halloween but I got to dress up as a storm trooper." Tony announced looking around at the four while scratching his chin.

"Is that it- do we keep it going up here?" Vic asked looking around, "No, it's ten categories." Jaime said, laughing, causing Vic to laugh and stick his hand out for a dab, which no one returned, seeing this Lana dabbed him up with a laugh, resulting in him smirking at her.


"Favourite tour prank?"

"Oh my, god. One time when they were on tour with Motionless in White during their set for Dragula, me and Vic thought it'd be funny if we had payed these two grown men to dress up as a vampire and witch and follow Chris around the whole set. It was so fuckin' funny, you remember that Vic?" Lana asked as she laughed, "Yeah, it was so funny, Chris had no idea what the heck was goin' on."

"A band called My Cement stole our intro. Yeah, sucked for the fans cause they had to listen to it twice, funny though." Jaime explained as the others nodded their heads.

"Yeah that was pretty rough." Vic agreed, "Pretty rough." Jaime repeated, "Especially considering we played right after them." Mike spoke making eye contact with the camera.


"Favourite song?"

"Lana you go first." Vic voiced looking at said girl, "My favourite song by you guys or just in general?" Lana asked him, "Um, you're favourite song isn't by us?" Jaime asked with attitude, "Well, I mean-" Lana stuttered, "It's fine Lana, ignore your brother. Say both." Vic reassured as he rolled his eyes at his band mate.

"Okay, well my favourite song in general is Cold by Crossfade and my favourite Pierce the Veil song is obviously Stay Away From My Friends, I love that song."

"You're torturing me with a beautiful faceee!" Jaime sang loudly while lifting his arms in the air as if he was preaching, "Ana, come on, I thought we had a damn good thing..." Lana added dramatically singing before her and Jaime started laughing.


"Okay, that's a wrap." The interviewer said after they had finished with the video, Lana thanking god mentally as she had wanted to go to sleep so bad seeing as it was 11pm, but she knew Vic would be up for another three hours, but that's how it is while on tour.

After the interviewers left Lana let out a sign, "Thank God, I'm about to have the best sleep ever." Lana said stretching her back making cracking sounds resulting in Jaime looking at her weird, "I'm tired too." Vic admitted walking with her to their bunk surprising the girl since he always went to sleep at like 1am, "Okay." She said smiling.

Yay first one complete, ps I know some questions weren't even asked but idc, also request ppl, imma mostly do ptv, sws, bvb, miw and fir/etf.

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