Where Are You When I need You? - Andy B.

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Where Are You When I need You? - Andy B.

Summary:Carolyn, Andy' girlfriend, had went on a late night walk by herself and ends up getting corned by three guys

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Carolyn, Andy' girlfriend, had went on a late night walk by herself and ends up getting corned by three guys.




POV Carolyn


I had decided to go on a walk since Andy had been with CC and Jinxx all day and I was staring to get bored by myself so I grabbed my phone and keys and locked the door to our apartment before going out in the dark LA streets, which for some people might seem like a dumb idea, but I mean really, what's the chance something bad happens?

So here I was walking down the road admiring the stars in the dark sky. I had sent a text to Andy saying if he got home and I wasn't there it was because I was out on a walk so don't be worried and to go ahead and go to sleep.

As I walked down the street there was an alley, looking at it I saw a stray cat, and if you know me then you know I fucking love cats, and so obviously I went in the dark scary alleyway at 3am alone like a dumbass.

"C'mere kitty." I said quietly bending down and holding my hand out to the black cat, who very quickly ran off once they heard my voice, running off behind a trash can.

"Oh, come on, if you come here I'll buy you food." I spoke as if the cat could understand me, if someone were to walk past me they'd think I was crazy, which I probably was.

After awhile I learned that the stray cat was in fact not coming out from behind the trash can, so holding the black leather jacket, that was Andy's, closer I turned on my heel to walk out the alley but before making it all the way I heard voices come from behind me, turning I saw three very drunk looking (and smelling) men come around the corner of the other side of the alley.

One man had looked to be around in his late thirty's to early forties, he had black hair with a few strands of grey coming from it, he had a bottle of Jack in his hand, the man beside him was blonde, he looked younger, maybe late twenties, and the other man also had darker hair much like the first man and looked between the ages of thirty to forty.

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in." The first said smirking walking up close to me, I could smell the liquor from his breath, resulting in me scrunching my face, "Um-I need to go-" I started before being cut off by the three backing me into the wall, this is where the fear started to set in, because y'know it's 3am and I'm in an alleyway in LA corned by three very drunk men, and my boyfriend had no idea where I was, in fact no one did.

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