Come Get Me - Ronnie R.

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Come Get Me - Ronnie R.

Summary:Stacy calls Ronnie to come pick her up after her boyfriend and her get in a huge fight *tw: abuse*

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Stacy calls Ronnie to come pick her up after her boyfriend and her get in a huge fight *tw: abuse*


Stacy sat on the side of sidewalk, tears mixed with mascara plummeting down her face. Stacy was sat on the sidewalk outside her and her boyfriend, James, house. They had just got into a huge fight, which ended with James punching the girl on her face, Stacy adorning a purple bruise. She had no where to go, she didn't have a car, and it was pouring rain, so she couldn't just go walk around town in the middle of the night during a thunder storm.

Shakily, Stacy reached for her phone and dialled Ronnie Radkes phone number. He had been her best friend since birth, though the two haven't talked much the last month, no thanks to James himself.

"Hello?" The voice of Ronnie Radke spilled into Stacy's phone. "H-hi Ronnie." Stacy sobbed. Ronnie instantly became worried. "Stacy? Is that you? What's wrong? Where are you?" He asked rushed, and worried as hell.

"Yeah, it's me. Me-me and J-James got i-into a huge fight... Can you come and get me please?" She asked as she sobbed and shivered from the coldness of the rain. She was only wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank top, that was sticking to her thin body. She had lost a lot of weight since dating James, mostly due to the stress that the man brought with dating him.

"Yeah. Of course I can come get you. Where are you? Your house?" Ronnie asked already walking out of his house, ready to beat someone's ass. "Y-yeah..."

"Ok, I'll be there in no time, do I need to stay on the phone with you?" Ronnie asked. "N-no, it's okay. I'll just go back inside and get a bag of my clothes."

"What, that asshole has you sitting outside in the middle of the night while it's pouring rain and thundering? That fucking asshole. No, look Stacy just stay where you are until I get there, okay?" Ronnie asked getting angry. "Ok."

"I'll be right there." Was the last thing Stacy heard before the line ended. So there she sat, shivering and crying, sitting on the sidewalk waiting for her night and shining armor.

Not even ten minutes later and a black SUV pulled up next to Stacy, Ronnie rushing out the drivers seat. "Stacy?" Ronnie asked as he tugged off his leather jacket and placed it on her shoulders, "Ronnie." Stacy said her voice breaking before pulling him into the tightest hug he has ever had, physically hurting the man.

Pulling back, he reached for her face. Noticing the bruise forming on her cheek bone, and bleeding lip his face twister into pure anger. He couldn't believe that man put his hands on Stacy.

"Let's go." Ronnie said resisting the urge to go in there and kill the man, ending up in prison for a second time, though this time for actually killing someone.

"But- but I need a bag for my clothes, and Saden is still in t-there..." Stacy said. Saden was her cat, that both her and Ronnie loved dearly, he actually got the cat for her 20th birthday. Knowing the cat was still in there with the asshole he knew he had to go in. No way was he letting Stacy go by herself.

"Fine, let's just hurry, okay?" Ronnie asked taking her hand in his. She nodded to Ronnie as hey both made their way up the sidewalk and into the house. It was eerily quiet. Stacy gulped, squeezing Ronnie's hand tighter.

"Stacy?" The voice of James sounded. The duo turned around to find the man standing by the living room, a face of anger once he saw Ronnie with Stacy. "Why the fuck is he here?" He asked venom laced in his voice. Stacy flinched at the harshness in his voice, stepping closer to Ronnie. Ronnie scoffed shaking his head as he pushed Stacy behind him. "We're getting the cat and leaving. Do try and stop her asshole." Ronnie said as he softly pushed Stacy to signal that she could go get Saden and a bad of whatever she needed.

"Fucking slut." James muttered as Stacy walked away, out of earshot. Ronnie glared at the man before punching him square in the face, "Like how it feels asshole?" Ronnie asked before punching him again, James falling to the ground. "That's for calling her a slut." Ronnie said punching him again, "And that's for hitting her." He said before punching him again. "Don't talk to Stacy again, matter of fact, don't even think of her, or talk about her, or else I'll fucking kill you." Ronnie seethed, face getting darker from anger.

Before Ronnie could anymore Stacy walked down the stairs with a bag in one hand and a black and white cat in the other. "C'mon Stac'" Ronnie said guiding her with his hand in the small of her back. James was on the ground, blood all over his face. Stacy refused to look over at the gruesome sight.

Once they were out of the house and in the warm car Stacy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "You can stay with me for awhile. Y'know, until you find a permanent place to stay." Ronnie said. "Thank you. Really, thank you so much for everything Ronnie. You're too good." Stacy thanked, sniffling. Ronnie looked over at her sympathetically before pulling her into a hug, laying her head on his chest.

"We should probably get some ice to put on your face." He said pulling back as they made eye contact. "Yeah..." Stacy whispered before slowly leaning in, Ronnie doing the same, as they both closed their eyes and kissed.

"I never liked him anyway." Ronnie said once they broke contact. Stacy laughed, "I should've trusted your gut."

Kinda short but wtv

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