Interview - Frank I.

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Interview - Frank I.

Summary:Audrey is the drummer for My Chemical Romance, along with Ray's little sister and Franks girlfriend

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Audrey is the drummer for My Chemical Romance, along with Ray's little sister and Franks girlfriend. While doing an interview the interviewer ask rude and inappropriate questions towards Audrey. The boys don't take to kindly to that, especially Frank.


My Chemical Romance had been standing on a bus in front of an interviewer and camera. They were doing an interview, obviously. The line started with Mikey, then Ray, then Gerard, and beside Gerard was Frank, and the last person was Audrey.

"So, on the album, uh I brought you bullets and love, what would you say is the most memorable song?" The guy asked pointing the microphone to Gerard, this was their fourth question and not one other band member had been asked a question.

The band side eyed him, all glancing at each other with the same annoyed expression. "Well, it's actually called I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love." Gerard informed the interviewer with an agitated smile. The interviewer laughed it off, "Oh, yes, sorry."

"It's fine. But, uh how about Frank answers this one?" Gerard ask looking over at Frank, obviously done with being the only one asked questions. The interview gave an annoyed smile, but ignored Gerard and kept the microphone by Gerard. Gerard had to physically push the mic towards Frank who sat glowering at the interviewer.

"I don't know about memorial, but my favorite was Headfirst for Hollows. What about you Audrey?" Frank asked Audrey, who went to go answer but the interviewer took the mic away from her face and read the next question, this caused her to look over at Frank, who was glaring at the interviewer intensely, along with Ray and Gerard.

"So, Audrey, how does it feel to know you're in a really successful band, that judging by your 'talent' and appearance wouldn't have gotten you that much besides the fact that your brother and boyfriend are in the band?" The interviewer asked. Audrey was flabbergasted, she had to look around at the camera crew to see if they had been affected from the question, but no, the interviewer was dead serious.

The boys all glared daggers at him causing him to laugh awkwardly, but the boys just stared at him silently. Frank was one step closer to snapping and saying something he'd regret, and Ray was ready to just walk off the bus.

"Um, I'm sorry?" Audrey asked looking at him weirdly. "Well, u-uh, y'know since you're a girl in a band with only boys, one being your brother and the other your boyfriend, it's obvious you're only in it being of those connections, from what I've seen it can't be your drumming, but with those pretty looks of yours and body you could've been a great stripper." The interviewer laughed trying to joke. Frank lost it.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you, huh? How dare you sit there and be sexist and say Audrey wouldn't have been successful without her knowing a couple famous guys, when she makes more money than you'll ever make in your lifetime. And for your information, Audrey was in the band way before me or before we started dating. When Gerard started this band the first people he called was Ray for his guitar skills, and Audrey for her sick ass drumming. Which by the way, if I gave you a drum kit and sticks and asked you to play one song I know damn well you wouldn't be able to get one part right, so don't you dare fuckin' say she's bad at drumming, the drumming that has made her famous and rich." Frank barked as he stepped closer to the interviewer who was red as a tomato by now.

"Oh, it was just a joke Frank." The interviewer said laughing nervously while looking at the camera crew. Frank had to be held back by the rest of the band when he said this. "Don't you fucking joke about that, you know damn well you weren't fucking joking!" Frank shouted as Gerard and Ray held him back.

"C'mon, we're leaving." Ray said as he took Audrey's hand before walking out the van, Frank, Gerard, and Mikey all behind him. "How dare that guy say that, what a fucking jerk." Mikey mumbled as he rubbed Audrey's shoulder.

Audrey smiled at him before taking Franks hand, signalling the rest of the guys to leave, which they did. Once they were gone Audrey dragged Frank to the curb of the sidewalk, sitting on it.

"Hey, Frankie, look at me, are you okay?" Audrey asked grabbing his face in her hands as he was huffing, still recovering from his rant to that guy. "No, that dude was a grade a asshole!" Frank grumbled looking at the ground.

"It's okay Frank, he's just stupid. I don't even let those kinds of people get to me." Audrey comforted as she played her head on his shoulder, which made him calm down slightly.

"They-they are fucking stupid! No one should talk to you, or any women, like that." Frank said sighing. "I know baby, but we can't change the way they think or act, you just gotta ignore it."

Frank looked down at her with a small smile, "You're way more level-headed than me." He laughed lightly. "I know, what would you do without me?" Audrey asked sarcastically.

"Crash and burn."

"That you would."

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