Free Bird - Ronnie R.

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Based off the song Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Free Bird - Ronnie R.

Summary:It's 1999, Tory and Ronnie have been dating for awhile

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It's 1999, Tory and Ronnie have been dating for awhile. But a fight breaks out when Ronnie tells Tory he's running away to stay with his friend, Mitch, and starting a band, 3.0.


Tory had been noticing how off and different Ronnie has been. Ronnie was her boyfriend. They've been dating since 8th grade, but they were in 10th now. It was 8:30pm and Tory was about to get ready for bed when she heard a click at her window. She thought nothing of it. That was until it repeated. Gulping, she walked over and hesitantly pulled the curtain back only to reveal Ronnie on the ground.

Sighing, she opened the window. "Ronnie, what the hell are you doing?" She whisper yelled, leaning against the window, sticking her head out. "Trying to get you attention." He whisper shouted back before climbing up the tree that was sat perfectly under her window. "Move." He mumbled before falling through the window causing Tory to shush him scared he'd wake her mother or father.

"Hi." She said as he got up, she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss, him smiling into the kiss. She didn't ask him what he was doing there, it was a usual thing for her to find him under her window in the night.

"Hey baby." Ronnie said as he grabbed her waist. "Hey, I gotta tell you something." He said, his face twisting into a serious expression. "What is it?" Tory asked as Ronnie led her to her bed, both of them sitting on the edge.

"You can't tell anyone, okay?" He said squeezing her hand lightly. "Yeah, of course I won't." She promised. "I-I'm running away." He admitted. Tory looked at him with disbelief before dropping his hand and pulling it back causing his face to drop. "What?" Tory asked as she stood up facing him fully.

"I said I'm running away." Ronnie repeated.

"I- why- why would you even do that?" She asked as her voice started to raise. Ronnie looked at her in disbelief. "Are you seriously mad at me?" He asked, standing up too. "Um, yes! You can't just waltz up in here, going from 'oh hey baby' to 'oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm running away'!" Tory yelled tearing up. She didn't even care if the noise woke her parents.

"Tory...come on, don't be like that... it won't be forever." Ronnie said grabbing her hands, but she refused to meet his eye. He grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. "I'll come back." He said. Tory almost fell for it, almost.

"What- no Ronnie. What about your dad? You're really gonna do that to him? And me, you're actually gonna leave me behind here in this god forsaken town, alone? You're gonna forget all about me, while you run off, and what? Start a band? I believe in you Ronnie, I believe you're going to be a star, but you don't have to run away! You don't have to leave me!" By this point Tory was soaked in tears. Ronnie looked at her sadly. "I can't start a band here Tory. You know that... and...I don't have to leave you, you could always come with me..." Ronnie proposed shyly looking at her. Tory did a double take, taken back by the proposition. "I...I don't know Ronnie. I couldn't do that to my mom and dad. And you can't do that to your dad. We're only 16 Ronnie." Tory reminded. Ronnie scoffed rolling his eyes and backed up. "If you don't want to come with me you can just say that, I just thought you would've since y'know, we were supposed to be forever." Ronnie spat.

"No, don't be like that. I do want to be with you forever. It's just, come on Ronnie. We have all the time in the world to start a band, or go to college, or whatever. You don't have to runaway." Tory said, taking his hand.

"Would you even remember me if I ran away here tomorrow? Cause you probably would soon forget me Tory, so come with me, 'cause there's too many places I've got to see, and you could be with me, I want you with me Tor'." Ronnie pleaded. Tory sighed, looking down before back at Ronnie. "Let me pack a bag." She mumbled causing Ronnie to smile widely at her before grabbing her into a tight hug, "I love you Tory." Ronnie said. "I love you too Ronnie. But we will be coming back home."

Yeah this was all over the place....

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