Chapter 1

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The thing about love is that you never expect it to happen. It comes so suddenly and completely that if you're not careful, you can drown in your own sea of emotions. I never thought that love would happen to me or for me because I was never the most smart or most talented or most beautiful. I thought that being the most of something guaranteed that you'd get ahead in life  but I found out that getting ahead isn't necessary. Neither is being the most at something.You only have to be the most true and beautiful you. I was lucky enough to find someone to teach me that and now I'm the happiest I've ever been, but my story didn't start off happy. I used to be lost but this is the story of how I was found.

My name is Samantha and my story starts in my first year of high school. I was usually a happy person. I got good grades and stayed out of trouble. I loved to hang out with my friends. My main group of friends consisted of Katie who was small quiet and shy, Ella who was smart and funny and my best friend of all Chase. I had known Chase since I was born. He had lived in the house across from mine forever. We went from kindergarten all the way to grade nine together. Chase balanced me out completely! When I spoke too loudly he spoke just soft enough. When I was sad he was able to be happy without making me feel worse. He was my perfect match. My other friends get along great with Chase too so he's the perfect addition to our group.

One day the four of us were at the mall when a group of really hot guys walked by.

"We should go talk to them!" I say as I'am really outgoing.

"No I don't think that's a good idea." Said Katie being her usual timid self.

"Perhaps we should just ignore them as they are total strangers." Suggested Ella.

"You guys are no fun!" I jokingly state about my friends.

Chase just looks a bit awkward as he is the only guy in the group and would take no interest or pleasure in talking to other boys. 

"Lets just go to the food court." I suggest. Everyone nods and gives varying verbal sounds of agreement.  

We go up to A&W and I get a burger, Katie gets a poutine and Ella gets a large order of onion rings. Chase orders nothing.

"Are you ok Chase? I haven't seen you eat anything all day." I ask quietly so the rest of the group doesn't hear. 

Chase looks down and quietly replies with a simple "Yeah."  

That was the first time I noticed him acting strangely. I don't ever remember seeing him eat again. I guess I assumed that he just ate at home or when he wasn't around me but I think I always knew something was up. My fears were realized when I noticed bruises on his forearms and neck. He tried to cover them up but I knew they were there.

"Chase, I'm going to ask you this once. Are you being abused?"

Then Chase did something I've never seen him do in all of the years I've known him. Chase began to cry.

I immediately ran to hug him. He kept sobbing and repeating over and over "I'm ok. Please don't tell anyone." I started crying too. I had just turned 14 and had no clue how to deal with this or what to do. That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life. I promised Chase to keep things between us.

Over the course of the next few months I saw him get worse and worse. He hid the marks better but I could tell by the way he moved that he was in a lot of pain all the time. I couldn't stand to see him like that but I felt like I couldn't do anything to change it. The stupid promise I made swore me to secrecy. Katie and Ella knew what was going on a little bit but they had no idea how bad it was. When they asked me about him I told them that he was fine. Chase was anything but fine.

A week before March break I had the idea to invite Chase over to my house for the week just to get him away from his house. My parents agreed to let him. I was so excited! I called his house to tell him. It rang for a while before someone picked up.

"Hello." Chase said. He sounded really weird. He was speaking too quietly and his voice was shaky. He just sounded really off.

"Chase, you can come over to my house for the week of March break! Isn't that great!?" I said trying to get Chase excited.

"No, Sam I can't. I can't do this anymore." 

"What do you mean Chase?" I said starting to panic.

"You are a great friend Samantha. You have always been a great  friend. I'll always love you."

"What are you saying Chase!?" I screamed into the phone. My blood was running cold in my veins and I felt like throwing up.

"I'm saying goodbye." 

And then the line went dead. What happened next was a blur. I ran out of my house as fast as I could. I didn't even stop to knock at his front door. All of my energy was focused on saving my best friend. I got up to his room and I found him lying in a daze on the ground. On the ground a couple feet away from him was an empty pill bottle. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed 911 as fast as I could. I can't remember what I said to the operator. All I can remember is cradling Chase in my arms and telling him that everything would be alright. It was the last lie I ever told him. 

Chase died at 11:03pm on March 11th on the operating table at the hospital.       


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