Chapter 10

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Talen's POV

I heard Samantha screaming so I ran over to her.

"Samantha! Are you ok?" I called to her.

She was holding her leg and wincing.

"No. I got bit by a snake. It hurts Talen." She told me with a pained expression.

"Ok. It's gonna be ok baby. Just relax." I tried to assure her.

I was getting scared. I loved her and I didn't want her to get hurt.

Her face was getting paler and she started swaying. Her eyes started to droop lazily. It was like she was losing control of her body. That scared me. When she spoke her words were slurred.

"M'ok Talen. S'ok. I'll be-" she then collapsed on the spot.

"Samantha!" I screamed.

I pulled her onto my lap. I started to stroke her hair.

"Please wake up. Come on baby. Wake up for me." I whispered to her.

I knew that she needed help. And quick. I took out my cell phone and dialled 911.

The operator picked up. "Hello, 911 what is your emergency."

"My um, sister was bitten by and snake and is now unconscious. We are in the woods about an hour and half outside of Peterborough please hurry!" I told the operator.

"An ambulance has been dispatched and will be there momentarily."

I had decided to lie to the operator about our relationship so that I could protect our identity. I didn't think that Samantha would want to continue our adventure together but I wasn't sure. I wanted to be able to give her that option.

The ambulance came in ten minutes. Samantha was still unconscious but she has faint heart beat. I was crying a little bit. I knew that this wasn't the end, it couldn't be. My Samantha was still alive. She had to be.

The ride in the ambulance felt long. I held Samantha's hand the whole way. We were being taken to the hospital in the next town over. I didn't know what it was called and I didn't ask. All I knew was that my Samantha wouldn't last too much longer.

We pulled up to the massive white building and the back doors to the ambulance opened. Five or six doctors and nurses came rushing in. They wheeled out the stretcher that contained Samantha. I followed them into the building. Once I entered the lobby I was stopped by one of the hospital staff.

"I'm sorry sir but you'll need to stay here and answer a few questions for us." She said giving me a reassuring smile.

I wasn't happy but I didn't put up a fight. I knew that Samantha was in good hands.

I told the lady that we were Abby and Luke Simmons, brother and sister from Nova Scotia. I was 18 and she was 16 and we decided to take a trip to Ontario to go hiking in the woods. While I was getting the campsite set up, a snake came out of nowhere and bit Abby. That was when I called 911.

I hoped that I could remember all of that.

I was then lead to a waiting room. I pulled out the pair of headphones that I always keep in my jacket pocket and plugged them into my phone. I knew that I was in for the longest wait of my life.

I didn't know how long I sat in those uncomfortable chairs for. I managed to get through every song I had on my phone. Twice. I was starting my third time when I saw a tall man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope. I took my headphones out and stood up.

"Are you Mr. Simmons?" He asked me.

I was confused for a moment then remembered my story.

"Yup that's me, Luke Simmons. How is Abby?" I asked.

The doctors expression darkened.

"Abby was bitten by a highly venomous snake that is not indigenous to Canada. When she got here the poison had already spread from her leg to other parts of her body." He said.

I felt my eyes begin to water. "Wait does that mean.."

"No, no she's still alive." The doctor assured me.

I felt extremely relived.

"However" he continued "she still hasn't woken up. We've done all we can and now it's up to her. If she wakes up by morning then she'll be just fine but if not..."

My blood ran cold. I was terrified for her.

"Can I go and see her?" I asked.

"Of course. She is in room 118. My name is Dr. Becker. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." Dr. Becker informed me.

"Thank you. For everything."

Dr. Becker nodded and I walked away. It didn't take me long to find her room. It was at the end of the north hallway. I stood outside the door, nervous to go in. I didn't know what she would look like with machines keeping her alive. Hopefully they wouldn't be needed for much longer.

It was 3am when I walked into the room. That meant that she had 4 or 5 hours to wake up. I was worried out of my mind. I pulled up a chair beside her bed and took one of her limp hands in mine.

"Hey Samantha. It's me Talen. I don't know if you can hear me but if you can I need you to wake up. Please Samantha. If you die than I'll die too. That's right. I'll jump off this building or something because life isn't worth living without you. I need you." I said.

I had to stop talking when I realized I was crying. Hard sobs wracked my whole body. I couldn't lose her. I knew that she was still there but it felt like she was already gone.

4am came quickly. Then 5am followed by 6am. I could see the sun rising out side the window. 7am. I was beginning to lose hope. At 8am I cried so hard that I actually stopped breathing for a whole two minutes. At exactly 8:38am something wonderful happened.

Samantha say straight up in bed and opened her eyes.

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