Chapter 3

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My first day back went exactly how I expected it too. I got swamped with homework from all of my classes. My teachers took pity on me so they didn't give me as much as they did the other kids but I still had at least two hours of homework to do. Katie and Ella were eager to bring me back into the loop of school gossip. They knew that I wasn't interested but chose to pretend that I was still the same person that I was a couple weeks ago. I changed in lots of ways. A part of me died with Chase but I started to believe that a new part of me was born with the encounter of Talen.

I didn't see Talen for the rest of the week. I didn't see him anywhere! Not in school or in town or even in the phone book! Not that I was looking...

I was finally starting to get back to a routine and I was feeling better. I still hurt to think about Chase and I was still sad a lot but it wasn't as bad. I even agreed to go to the mall with Katie and Ella.

It was a rainy April evening and my mother was thrilled to drive me to the mall. She told me all the time how happy she was that I was hanging out with my friends again. I think she was just glad that I wasn't depressed anymore.

Katie, Ella and I had a great time at the mall. I didn't buy much but it was nice to be out of the house. We were about to leave when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey! Mother Nature!"

I grinned to myself and turned around.

"Aren't you gonna wait until I sit down?"

Talen smiled. "If I waited that long then you'd already be gone."

"Who is he?" Asked Katie.

"He's a friend of mine." I said.

"Why'd he call you Mother Nature?" Asked Ella.

"It's an inside joke. You know what? I think I'll stay I little longer. I'll call my parents and tell them to come pick me up in half an hour. You guys can go home without me." I told my friends.

"Are you sure Sam? How do you know that you can trust this guy?" Asked Katie looking very concerned.

"I'll be fine I promise." I assured her.

She still looked unsure but she nodded and her and Ella hugged me then they both walked away.

I then walked over to Talen who had patiently waited for me beside the fountain in the middle of the mall.

"Did you come here alone? I asked looking around to see if any other boys were nearby.

"Ya. I like just walk around the mall to clear my head." He replied.

"Clear your head? Is anything wrong?" I asked.

"Everything is absolutely fine. There is no need to worry about me."

"Ok. If anything is ever wrong you can tell me."

"Why should I trust you with all my personal information? You've never spoken my name or even told me yours?" He asked smirking.

"Maybe because I'm a good listener." I suggested.

"Or maybe because I'm falling in love with you." He said.

I stood there in shock. Did he just say he was falling in love with me? My mouth was suddenly completely dry. I managed to choke out a soft "What?"

"I said that I'm falling in love with you. Ever since I first saw you at the funeral I knew you were the most beautiful girl I'll ever meet. When I first talked to you I realized that I loved your attitude and wit. I can't stop thinking about you." His eyes twinkled the whole time he was speaking.

"I um, I don't, um." I stuttered.

"Shhh, it's ok. You don't need to say or do anything. Just follow me." He said.

He started to walk down one of the hallways in the mall. I didn't realize my legs were moving until we were halfway down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my favourite store." He replied without looking back at me.

We walked until we reached the furniture store at the far end of the mall.

"This can't be it." I said thoroughly confused.

"And why can't it be?" He asked me.

"Because only old people like furniture stores." I declared.

"What is 16 not old enough?" He laughed.

"Wait, your 16!" I said suddenly very nervous.

"Ya why?" Now he was confused.

"Would you still like me if I told you something?" I asked.

"There is nothing you could say that would make me like you any less. I'd still like you even if you told me your name." He said.

I took a deep breath. "Talen, I'm only 14 years old." I said.

Talen froze and just stared at me. I almost started crying. I knew he was disgusted. Then he completely shocked me. He took my hands and looked into my eyes and simple said:

"That was the first time you ever said my name."

"Wait what? Didn't you hear me? I'm two years younger than you." I said silently hoping he wouldn't let go of my hands.

"Age is but a number. Whether you are 14 or 41 your still the same person." He said.

He then guided me into the furniture store. I was so happy that he still liked me. I thought my heart would explode with happiness.  

"Do you know why I love this place?" He asked.

"Because Your a strange person." I teased.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I like this store because I can come in here and pretend that all of this stuff is mine. I only have a mattress in the middle of my floor at home. Here I have the most comfortable beds imaginable!" He smiled.

I instantly felt bad for him. I wondered why he had so little but I decided not to ask. Instead I found a comfortable looking couch and sat down. Talen sat down next to me.

"Stay still." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Just do it." He said.

I stay absolutely rigid then he put his hand on my cheek. I jumped a little at his touch.

"It's ok." He soothed. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I forgot all of the pain of the past month, all of my nerves and worries.  It was the most amazing minute of my life.

Talen broke away and just looked at me.

"Samantha." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"My name is Samantha."

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now