Chapter 7

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Talen really was the best thing that ever happened to me. We had the love of the century. The rest of the school year flew by and it was now summer vacation. Talen still took me on lots of dates and I got a lot more comfortable with kissing him. I didn't think it was possible to fall more in love with him but I did. I started to miss him if I didn't see him for a couple hours. It was like my heart was becoming one with his. It was no longer him and I. It was us. Talen felt the same way. Every time he saw me he told me how perfect I was. I never believe him but I love hearing it.

One day Talen called me and asked if I could meet him at the field. I said yes without skipping a beat. I didn't need to change because we were at a point in our relationship where I didn't feel like I needed to impress him. I trusted that he loved me no matter what I looked like. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

When I got to the field Talen hadn't arrived yet. I sat down against the tree and waited for him to arrive.

"Hey Mother Nature."

"You've got to stop doing that." I replied lovingly.

I looked into Talen's eyes and I felt concerned. I saw love in them, but I also saw sadness.

"Talen are you alright?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm with you." He said taking my hand.

I wasn't completely convinced but I let the matter drop.

"You are so perfect Samantha. You know that?" He said. I swore his voice cracked.

"I love you so much!" His eyes were watering now.

"You mean everything to me." He said, his voice barley a whisper. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Talen.." I breathed.

He just stared at me and put a finger to my lips. My heart broke seeing him like this.

Suddenly he stood up. He held his hand out to me and I took it.

"Samantha, will you do something for me?" He asked in a shaky whisper.

I was scared now. "Yes." Was all I could say.

"Will you marry me?"

He placed a beautiful sapphire ring in the palm of my hand. It looked like it was real gold. I didn't know what to say. My heart screamed yes but my brain knew better.

"Talen I can't. I'll only be 15 in August and your only 16. You know this can't happen." I said soothingly caressing his cheek with my hand.

Talen let another tear escape. He then nodded.

"I know." He said.

"Baby where is all of this coming from? We went on our first date in May and now your asking me to marry you?"

Talen looked down at the ground. He didn't say anything for a couple of minutes then he took a deep breath.

"Samantha, my mom has done some things. Very bad things and now she has to leave Canada. She's sending me to go live with my uncle in Germany." He couldn't look at me when he said it.

My whole world came crashing down on me in that moment. Half of my heart was going away.

"No. No you can't leave me!" I said starting to get worked up.

"I don't have a choice. I argued and yelled and plead but my mom is giving my uncle legal custody of me. I can't stop it." Talen said still looking down.

I grabbed Talen and kissed him. The kiss was heated with emotion. We could feel each other's sadness and misery but most of all we could feel each others grief. Talen was a part of me and in that kiss we became one person. One heart, one mind and one soul. I never felt closer to him then I did in that moment.

I don't remember who broke away first but I do remember looking into his eyes that were so full of sorrow.

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"In three days." He said.

That was when I lost it. I throw myself into him and started sobbing. He held me in his strong arms and I could feel him shaking. I knew that he was crying too.

The next three days were torture. They were full of painful conversations and tears. Talen told me to keep the ring so I wore it everywhere. I even slept with it on. I knew that soon it would be all I had left of Talen.

I opted to go with Talen to the airport and we waited hand in hand for his plane to start boarding. When it was called we both stood up.

"No matter what happens in the next little bit, you'll always be my Mother Nature." Talen said to me.

"You've got to stop doing that." I replied tearfully.

Then Talen leaned in and gave me a long and passionate goodbye kiss. I closed my eyes. I felt his lips leave mine and when I opened my eyes he was gone.

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now