Chapter 13

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I wanted to be sad about losing Talen. I wanted to want to cry but I was just too angry. All I could think about was kicking that son of a bitch's ass. I couldn't believe that he left me stranded in the parking lot of the hospital! I wasn't even fully recovered yet!

I didn't know what hurt worse, my leg or my heart. Either way I knew that I had to leave. I didn't know where to go but I couldn't stay at the hospital. They might find out who I was. So I started to walk away from the parking lot. I found a road really quickly and I decided to walk south.

I couldn't believe what I had turned into. What he had turned me into. I had never ever thought that I would turn into a runaway. I had a good home and a nice family so statically I had no reason to run away from home. My reason for running wasn't because I was unhappy, it was to make me happier. Now look at me. I was tired and injured and alone.

The more I thought about everything, the more it upset me. Before long I was limping down the side if a road and crying my eyes out. I kept limping for an hour or so but every minute I walked, the pain in my leg increased. Eventually it was unbearable so I had to sit down. I was scared now. I couldn't keep walking on my leg but I couldn't just stay here on the side of the road. That made me cry harder.

I cried for a long time until I heard a sound. I instantly quieted down. It sounded like a car. A car! I got up without putting much pressure on my bad leg and looked out into the distance. Sure enough I saw a mint green Volkswagen Beatle coming up the road.

I started screaming and waving my arms frantically hoping the driver would see me. The car started to slow down. It stopped a couple feet away from me. I hobbled up to it.

The driver got out of the vehicle. It was a woman in her thirties who was wearing a light brown power suit.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked.

"No. I-I'm lost." I said.

I must have looked like a mess. A young teenaged girl covered in dirt and tears, limping around the side of the road.

"Can I help you get somewhere?" She asked me.

I didn't know what to tell her. I wanted her to help me but I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't risk her taking me home. I needed to lie so I told her the first thing that popped into my head.

"My name is Abby. I can't remember my last name or my family. I was bitten by a snake and I woke up in the hospital without any of my memories. I'm scared." I said starting to sniffle.

The lady hugged me. I was shocked but I could tell that she wasn't dangerous. She had a motherly vibe. I let her hug me.

"My name is Lisa. Would you like to come to my house until we can figure this out?" She asked.

"I couldn't possibly ask you to do that." I said hoping that she would insist.

"No, I can't just leave you here. Please. I have a nice house and an extra bed."

"Well ok but only if your sure." I told her.

"Of course I'm sure. The only thing is that I have a couple of children. If that doesn't bother you then there is no problem." She said smiling sweetly.

"That doesn't bother me at all. I love kids." I said telling her the truth for the first time.

"Ok well then hop in." Lisa instructed gesturing to the car.

I did as I was told and climbed in the passenger side of the punch buggy. I had never ridden in a car this small before. I had hardly any room to move my legs! I didn't care that much as I was too busy being grateful that someone rescued me.

The drive to Lisa's house wasn't a long one. Maybe ten minutes or so. Her house was gorgeous on the outside. It wasn't huge but the architecture was stunning. The windows had delicate designs carved into them. The whole outside of the house was brick made to look like wood and the roof was light pink shingles. All and all I was impressed.

We walked into the house and I heard people running towards us. An older girl and a younger boy. They both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me. 

"Who is that!?" The boy exclaimed.

"Sam, be polite." Lisa said.

I automatically looked at her when she mentioned the child's name. Most people called me Sam so I was used to responding to that name. I had to try and remember that my name was now Abby.

"This is Abby. She will be staying with us for the night." Lisa said.

I smiled and waved at the kids.

"Abby, this is my youngest, Sam. He's 8 years old." She said gesturing to the boy. "And this is my oldest, Quinn. She is 10 years old."

"Nice to meet you both." I said politely.

They both awkwardly nodded and continued to stare at me.

"I'm going to get the guest bedroom set up for Abby. The three of you can hang out in the living room." Lisa said pointing to the room on the right.

We all silently walked to the living room and sat down. It was extremely uncomfortable. We stayed like that for ten minutes until Quinn broke the slice.

"So what brings you here?" She asked me.

"I got lost and you mother told me that I could stay here for the night." I answered.

"Where did you get lost from?" Sam asked.

"Well, I don't remember. I just remember waking up and not knowing where I was." I told them.

"But if you don't know where you came from then how are you suppose to get back?" Quinn asked concerned.

I could tell that she didn't like the idea of me staying here for very long.

I was about to answer when Lisa appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Your bedroom is ready." She announced. 

"Thank god for Lisa!" And with that thought I ran upstairs.

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