Chapter 12

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I stayed in the hospital for the next five days. Every day I grew stronger and stronger. Talen stayed with me. He wasn't suppose to spend the nights with me but the nurse that was taking care of me pretended she didn't see him hiding underneath my bed.

There was one thing I did find strange though. Once a day Talen would give me an excuse of why he had to leave then he was gone for over an hour. He always brought me back food or a stuffed animal or something but I knew that he was up to something else. Every time that I tried to confront him he denied everything. Eventually I stopped trying.

On the day of my release the doctor came into my room with a wheelchair.

"I can walk." I informed him.

"It's hospital policy." He said.

Talen was aloud to be the one to wheel me out. It felt great being able to leave! I felt like I was in that hospital for five years instead of five days. They didn't even let me go outside!

Anyway, all is well in my world once again. I'm no longer ill, my parents haven't found me and my boyfriend hasn't left me. If that's not grounds to be happy then I don't know what is!

When Talen and I got to the parking lot he helped me out of the wheelchair. The nurse that had been following us smiled and waved goodbye then took the rolling chair back to the hospital. Talen and I were finally alone.

"I've got a surprise for you." He said to me.

"Really?" I asked suspiciously.

"Would I lie to you Samantha." He answered jokingly.

"I would hope not but you can never be too sure."

"Well to clear things up no. No I haven't lied to you and I wouldn't. Ever." He told me.

I wasn't sure if it was the fact that he was promising that he wouldn't lie to me, or if it was the fact that I was still tiered, but I believed him. I really truly did.

"Ok." I said.

He smiled at me and lead me into the parking lot. I was confused as Talen's car was destroyed in the crash. I kept walking with Talen until we stopped in front of a nice motorcycle.

"After the car crash I swore that I would never drive another car ever again. I then realized that a bike isn't exactly a car." He announced.

I was still confused. I had no clue what he was talking about.

Then it hit me.

"Talen this is yours!" I screamed.

He chuckled. "No it's ours."

"But, but how!? How did you get this! Oh my god did you steal it!" I sputtered.

"No Samantha I did not steal a motorcycle. I'll save grade theft moto for my computer screen. I got it from a buddy of mine." He answered.

"Buddy? What buddy Talen? And where did he get it from?" I felt bad for pounding him with questions but I had to know.

Talen did look slightly annoyed with all of my inquiries but he sighed and prepared to answer anyway.

"My buddy's name is Alex. I've known him since elementary school. He used to be in my class. I called up a favor and he sent me this motorcycle." Talen explained.

"What do you mean he used to be in your class? Did he move or something?"

"Well yes he did move...after he dropped out of high school." Talen confessed.

I was a little freaked out. I mean what kinds of people does Talen hang out with?

"How did Alex get the money to send you a motorcycle?" I asked.

"My friend Alex got a job after he left school...he makes good money...people pay him to give them...things...that they can't acquire themselves." Talen said.

He took long pauses in between words. I assumed that he was trying to choose his words carefully. I wanted to believe that Alex was some sort of craftsman that made things for people. I knew that it couldn't be true, even if I hoped it was.

"What kinds of things Talen?"

"You know, just harmless little things really..."

"WHAT KINDS OF THINGS TALEN!?" I screamed at him.

"Drugs Samantha. Drugs." Talen admitted.

I was furious! How could he do business with drug dealers! Hadn't we been through enough? I mean the guy had almost gotten me killed twice since we'd been together and now he's bringing a drug dealer into our life?

I looked Talen straight in the eye. He could see how angry I was but I didn't care. I hoped he knew that I was mad. I also hoped that he knew I was done.

"This was a mistake." I said in a tone so cold that it could freeze the sun.

Talen looked like he wanted to calm me down but that was impossible.

"Hey sweetheart, calm down. What was a mistake?" He asked innocently.

"Everything. I wish that I had never met you." I told him.

He looked hurt. "How could you say that? After all that I've done for you?"

"After all that you've done for me! All you've done is put me in the hospital! You lead me into the woods where I was bitten by a snake! You crashed the car that I was in!" The last one was a low blow but I didn't care.

I could see in his eyes how much my last comment hurt him. I almost felt bad but I couldn't bring myself to, considering my leg was still throbbing from the snake bite.

"You said that you didn't blame me for that." Talen whispered.

"What?" I demanded.

"The accident. You told me in the hospital that you didn't blame me." He said.

For some reason that just made me want to fly off the handlebars.

"I didn't at first! Not until you started doing stupid and reckless things! Come on Talen!? Running away from home! Drug dealers! Your going to get yourself killed!" I yelled.

Now Talen was starting to get angry.

"Alex is my friend."

"He's probably dangerous. Drug dealers aren't known for being friendly!" I said.

"Would you stop calling him that!? He is a nice guy!" Talen yelled.

"Ya I'm sure he is. He's a nice guy just like your not a reckless dumbass. He's probably as nice a guy as you are a driver." I hissed.

"You know what!? I don't need this! Good luck trying to get anywhere without a ride!" Talen yelled.

And with that, Talen hopped on the motorcycle and drove away. Leaving me stranded in the middle of the hospital parking lot.

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now