Chapter 14

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I stayed in the guest room for the rest of the night. I didn't want to answer any more questions from the kids or from Lisa.

To my surprise I slept soundly. I usually have trouble sleeping in my clothes but I didn't tonight. I think all the action from the day caught up to me.

I woke up to the sound of whispering outside my door. It wasn't loud enough for me to hear what they were saying but it was loud enough to wake me.

I got out of bed and opened up my door. There standing before me were the two children I had escaped last night.

They jumped when the door opened and stood rigid pretending that they weren't doing anything.

"We were just going downstairs." Announced Quinn then they took off.

I smiled to myself. They were kinda cute. I then went back into my room to straighten my outfit out and brush my hair before I went downstairs.

I went into the kitchen to find Quinn and Sam sitting at the table watching Lisa prepare pancakes. She noticed me come in.

"Good morning Abby. We didn't wake you did we?" She asked.

I glanced at Quinn and Sam. They were giving me pleading looks.

"No you guys didn't wake me. I woke up by myself." I lied.

The kids mouthed thank you.

"Well it's good that your up. Your just in time for pancakes." Lisa informed me.

I sat at the table with Sam and Quinn and pancakes were placed in front of all of us.

"Sam." Lisa said.

"Yes." I answered automatically.

"Oh no!" I thought. "How do I explain this."

Everyone was staring at me.

"Oh um, I thought you said Abby. Sorry." I said.

It was lame I know. I also knew that they didn't believe me but I hoped that they'd just forget about this.

Lisa just nodded and continued to address her son.

"Don't forget you have baseball practice tonight."

"Ok." He said.

I had to remember to stop responding to Sam! It didn't matter how many times I told myself that, I couldn't train it out of me. I looked at Lisa or Quinn whenever they said Sam. I hoped they didn't notice.

Later that morning, Lisa took me shopping to buy more clothes and pj's. We went to Walmart, I liked a lot of their clothes but I loved their pyjamas.

We were walking down the woman's clothing isle when Lisa said it.


My blood ran cold. I turned around slowly.

"What was that?" I asked pretending I hadn't heard.

"Samantha. That's a nice name isn't it?" She said.

"Oh um, ya totally!" I said trying to be casual.

I was completely freaking out! Why would she randomly say my name!? Of all the names in the world, why would she pick Samantha? I was afraid that she knew who I was somehow.

"No" I thought. "That doesn't make any sense."

We continued our shopping expedition where I got a couple of shirts, some leggings and a few pairs of pyjamas. I couldn't stop thanking Lisa.

On the drive back to her house we chatted a bit. I told a story and she laughed then we fell into a comfortable silence.

When we got in the house she told me to take my new clothes upstairs and put them in the guest room. I did as I was told.

I was so happy to be here. I don't know what I did to deserve meeting such a nice lady. I wished that I could stay here forever! I knew that I would eventually have to go see my parents but I figured that I would wait one year. After the year was done I would go back and see if parents still wanted me. If so I'd stay but if not then I would leave again.

"Abby!" I heard Lisa calling.

I came down the stairs to find her in the kitchen.

"Yes." I said.

"The kids will be coming home from school soon and I want to go out to dinner. I want your opinion before they get here. Where would you like to go?" She asked.

I hadn't been out to dinner in a while. I wanted to make sure I picked my favourite restaurant to suggest.

"East Side Mario's." I said.

Lisa nodded. "Thank you." She said.

The children came home ten minutes later and then Sam went to baseball practise. After that Lisa took us all to East Side Mario's.

I had the chicken parmesan. I could remember the last time I was at this restaurant. The food was so good!

By the time we got back to Lisa's house in was full, happy and tired. I decided to go to bed.

"Goodnight." I said to everyone as I headed up the stairs.

I put on a pair of my new pyjamas and climbed right into bed. I was out like a light in no time.

When I woke up the next morning I could feel it was late. I was totally well rested.

I went downstairs to see if I could get some breakfast and I found Lisa there drinking a coffee and looking at something on her tablet.

She glanced up at me and then looked back at her tablet. She got a weird expression on her face. She quickly wiped it off and smiled at me.

"Morning." She said.

"Good morning Lisa." I responded.

"I have to talk to you about something after you eat." She said.

I got a little nervous but nodded my head. I decided to make toast. I wished that it would take longer to cook as I wasn't looking forward to the conversation ahead.

Unfortunately for me, it didn't take long at all for me to finish breakfast. When I was done, Lisa motioned for me to follow her to the living room.

She sat down on a chair with her tablet. I sat across from her on the couch.

"I know who you really are." Lisa said getting straight to the point.

I was terrified.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Samantha, I know the truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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