Chapter 8

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I got home from the airport and sat in my living room in silence. My mom tried to comfort me but I wasn't listening. I felt completely empty.

I knew that Talen and I could Skype and make phone calls but I wouldn't ever be able I feel his presents again. I couldn't touch him or feel his arms around me but most of all I couldn't kiss him. I loved to kiss him. He was my whole world and I needed to show him that. Now I couldn't. I sat in the living room thinking all of these heart breaking thoughts until I couldn't stand it any longer. Then I went to bed.

My dark room felt lonelier than usual. I'd always been comfortable here but now it felt as empty as my heart. I didn't even bother to change into my pajamas. I just lied down on my bed and slept.

In my dream I was with Talen at the field. We were kissing when I heard a strange sound.
Tock tock
I ignored it and kept kissing Talen.
Tock tock
I looked around and saw nothing.
Tock tock.
I felt the world start to shake as reality began to seep in. I was waking up.

I sat up and looked around my room. I could still hear that noise! I thought it was coming from my window. It was still dark because I had only been in bed for a couple of hours so I turned on my lamp and made my way across the room.

I was nervous to open my curtains. I knew that it was probably the wind or something making those sounds but you can never be too careful. Right?

I took a deep breath and tore open the curtains quickly. I then screamed in temporary terror. I'm sure you can guess what I saw sitting outside of my window.

I quickly opened it a crack.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I whispered to Talen.

He didn't get a chance to reply before a heard my parents coming up the stairs to check on me. I didn't want them to see Talen because I was sure they'd send him away. So I closed my curtains a jumped back into bed in just the nick of time.

"Sweetheart, we heard screaming. Are you ok?" Asked my dad.

"Ya I'm fine. I just had a nightmare." I lied.

My parents exchanged a worried look. Then my mother turned to me.

"Honey I know this is hard for you to understand right now but this is a good thing. I never liked that Talen fellow." She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked offended.

"He was a delinquent boy Sam. He nearly killed you for god sake! He was bad news." My father told me.

"Hey!" Came a voice from behind my curtains.

"Oh good job! real smooth. Now we're dead!" I thought.

Both of my parents looked alarmed.

"Who was that!?" My mother shrieked.

"Nothing mom. It was just some idiot outside." I said getting slightly louder on the word idiot.

"Samantha are you sure your alright?" My dad asked again.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine. Mom and dad you have nothing to worry about. Please, just let me go to bed." I told them.

My parents hesitated but eventually decided to leave. I knew they meant well but sometimes they were just so annoying!

I listened at the door for a couple of minutes to make sure they were really gone. When I was confident they were I went to go let in my dumbass boyfriend.

"Really Talen?" I asked very unimpressed.

"Sorry Samantha. I wasn't thinking." Talen replied awkwardly.

"Now back to our initial conversation. Why are you here!? You are suppose to be on a flight to Germany!"

"I couldn't leave you. I love you Samantha." He said.

"Aww baby." I whispered leaning in to kiss him.

I have to admit that it felt really good having him back again. I was still freaked out about him skipping his flight but hey, one issue at a time.

I was the first one to speak after we broke apart.

"Talen, how can this work? Someone will be looking for you eventually."

"Ya but it's a 15 hour flight from here to Germany so we still have some time before anyone notices." He assured me.

"Then what? You'll just keep skipping flights for the rest of your life? Someone will escort you on the plane this time Talen!" I said trying to talk some sense into him.

"We have to run away."

I just looked at Talen like he was crazy.

"Come on Talen. That's the most cliché line ever. "Let's run away together." This isn't the movies."

"I know that but in the movies they never have a good reason to run away. We do." He said pleading with his adorable eyes.

I surprised myself by actually wanting to do it. I mean run away from home? At almost 15? I must be slowly going crazy.

"What about my parents Talen?" I asked.

"Write them a note saying your leaving and that you'll come back to visite." He suggested.

"Oh ya "Hey mom and dad. I'm ditching you to go run away with my boyfriend but I'll be back for Christmas! "" I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." Talen said.

"I don't think it's a good idea to run away." I said although I was starting to believe it was.

"Please Samantha. We can have a great life together!" He said.

"Ya but..." I trailed off.

I was nearly convinced now. I knew that I wasn't thinking straight but I didn't care.

"Please." Talen whispered looking deep into my eyes.

"Let me pack a bag." I replied.

I knew the decision that I had just made was going to impact my life but I had no idea how much. The road ahead would be a slippery one and I had no way of knowing how much I would wipe out.

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now