Chapter 4

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"Really?" Talen said excitedly.

"Yes." I said with a laugh.

"Samantha. Samantha! Samantha! What a beautiful name! I can't stop saying it!" Talen all but screamed.

I started laughing. I had never heard anyone so excited to say my name before.

"I can't believe it! I got to kiss you and you told me your name! All in the same day!"

"Shhh! Keep your voice down! There are other people in the store." I said noticing that a couple of people turned to look at the strange boy.

"I'm sorry Samantha. I'm just so excited!" He said still with a huge smile on his face.

"You know you can call me Sam. Everyone else does." I said thinking it was strange hearing my full name so many times.

"No way Samantha! I've waited this long to know your name and now I'll never take it for granted!"

"Ok Talen settle down. It's just a name."

Talen laughed.

"Ok." He said. "It's getting late. We should get going."

I then realized that I had forgotten to text my parents. I was so caught up in all of the excitement that it completely slipped my mind.

"Ok see you later." I say.

Talen looked confused.

"What, are you going to spend the night  here?" He asked.

I laughed. "No. I have to call my parents and wait for them to come pick me up."

"Don't worry about it. I can take you home." Said Talen.

"You have your own car?" I asked him.

"Yup! I got it when my uncle died last year."

"Ok. Thanks." I said. I was happy that he had offered.

When Talen and I got into the parking lot it was still spilling rain. Talen lead me to an old looking red car. He ran in front of me and opened the passenger door for me.

"Why thank you." I said slightly taken aback by his gentlemen like act.

The inside of the car was really worn out. The seats had stains and tears in them and it smelled old. Talen climbed in the drivers seat and buckled in.

"So where do you live exactly?" He asked me.

"I live about a ten minute drive from the field on swingagin drive." I told him.

He nodded and started the car. It made an awful noise that scared me a little but I decided not to say anything to Talen. The rain was coming down so hard that I could barley see anything. He turned on the windshield wiper and we started to drive home.

If I'm being completely honest I'll say that I was terrified to go onto the highway in the old piece of junk that was called Talen's car. My heart was beating a million miles a minute.

"D-do you think we could slow down a bit?" I asked hoping he wouldn't be offended.

Talen looked at me a little confused.

"We're not even going that fast." He said.

"It's just that it's raining and I'm nervous and WATCH OUT!"

While I was speaking I caught something out of the corner of my eye. Talen whipped his head around and swirved to avoid the deer in the middle of the highway. I screamed as the car spun out of control. Then everything went black.

Beep beep beep

"What is that noise?"

Beep beep beep

"Where am I?"


I opened my eyes an my vision was flooded with light and colors. I was scared. I had no clue what happened or where I was. My eyes finally adjusted and I looked around. I was in a room that was mostly white. I looked at my arm and noticed that there were wires attached to it. "Must be a hospital" I thought.

It was then I noticed other people in the room.

"Samantha! Sweetie how are you feeling?" Asked my mother.

"Mom? What happened?" My throat was so dry. It was hard to talk.

My mother sat on the edge of the hospital bed and ran her fingers through my hair.

"You were in a car crash with a maniac boy who was trying to kill you!"

"Maniac boy? Oh you mean Talen!"

It was then that I realized that Talen was in the car with me. I shot straight up in bed (which sent searing pain to my head and shoulder).

"TALEN! Oh my god it he ok!?"

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now