Chapter 6

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My life was pretty good. In 3 weeks my sling came off and my head stopped hurting almost completely. Everything was as it should be except for one thing. Talen. Don't get me wrong, I was totally in love! I just couldn't shake the feeling that things were moving too quickly between us.

One warm Saturday in May, Talen and I were at the field having a picnic. It sort of became our special spot.

We were sharing a nice garden salad and Talen started moving closer to me. He slowly put his hand on my waist. I started to get uncomfortable. He leaned in and puckered his lips. I pushed him away.

"Stop." I said.

Talen looked concerned.

"Are you alright?"

"Ya I'm fine I just... Don't want to do that." I said said awkwardly.

Talen was still worried.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

"I -I'm alright. Let's just eat."

"No. Samantha, your not ok. Please tell me what's wrong." Talen said taking my hand.

"Ok. Please don't be upset but I think that were moving too fast. I mean we haven't even been on one date! Not a proper one at least. I haven't even seen your house. I just can't keep going like this." After I finished talking I could hardly breath. I stayed completely silent waiting for Talen's response.

Talen just looked at me and said nothing for a couple minutes. It was the longest couple minutes of my life! Then Talen did something that I didn't expect him to do. He got up a walked away.

I was heartbroken! I quickly packed up the remainder of our picnic and ran all the way home. I dropped the stuff at the front door and sprinted to my room and locked myself in it. As soon as the door to my bedroom closed, I sat down on my bed and started sobbing hysterically. I considered calling Talen and apologizing. I thought that if I begged him, maybe he'd take me back. I knew in my heart that if he didn't like me anymore, then I couldn't force him too.

I cried until I passed out. When I woke up I was really groggy, like if slept for a week straight. I looked at my phone and saw that it was Sunday.

"Wow! I slept for like 14 hours!"  I thought to myself.

It was in fact 12pm exactly 14 hours from when I passed out last night. I wasn't totally shocked as I sleep lots when I get depressed.

Depressed I was. I didn't eat or leave my room for hours. 4:30 rolled around and there was a knock at the front door. My parents weren't home so it was up to me to drag myself out of my room to see who was disturbing my peace.

I trudged downstairs and hauled open the front door. I nearly fainted. There standing in front of me was Talen wearing a fancy suit and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

"Oh my." I breathed.

"Are you ready to go?" My gorgeous suitor asked.

"Go where? I thought you hated me?" I said snapping out of my daydream.

"Hated you? How could I hate you Samantha? Your the best thing that has ever happened to me." Talen said.

"But you left me!" I said thoroughly confused.

"I'm sorry about that but it was necessary. You told me we never went on a formal date and you were right. Naturally I had to immediately start changing that. This is all for you." He said gesturing to his outfit.

"Really?" I asked starting to get excited.

"Really." He said smiling.

"Ok. Just let me get changed!" I said.

"No you look fine." Talen said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

I had on old baggy sweat pants and loose shirt. My hair was a mess as I hadn't brushed it since yesterday morning.

"Your beautiful Samantha. You couldn't look any less beautiful even if you tried. Come on." He said gently taking my hand.

I slipped on the nearest pair of shoes and let myself be lead out by Talen.

At first I felt uncomfortable being out in my scruffy clothes but I realized that Talen really didn't care. He didn't judge me and he truly thought I was beautiful no matter what. I was sinking deeper and deeper into a sea of love, and Talen was the anchor pulling me down.

We held hands and walked all the way to the field. I could see something shimmering from behind the tree. Talen stopped dead.

"Close your eyes." He told me.

I did what I was told. I felt him pull me forward. It wasn't long before he stopped again.

"Ok you can open them now."

Again I did as I was told. When I opened my eyes I was overwhelmed with happiness.

There were candles hanging from the tree, flowers scattered all around and right in front if the tree there were two TV trays pushed together and covered by an elegant purple silk tablecloth.

"What is this?" I asked memorized.

"It's our first date." Talen said.

He walked behind the tree and pulled out two silver trays. He then placed them on the table and took off the lid. I laughed in spite of myself. On the trays were burgers from Wendy's.

"Ya I can't cook." Talen said with a grin.

"That's ok. It's perfect." I said and I meant it.

Nothing could possibly make this night any better. I had a romantic evening with the boy of my dreams and I couldn't be happier about it.

Love Is Timeless, Nameless and Faceless {#wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now